The Redmond people are in luck. The Microsoft firm has just reached a historical record. And it is that the new Market Place, the mobile application store with Windows Phone 7, has just reached 10,200 applications, a great figure that would begin to consolidate it as a reference application store, bridging the gap with Google's Android Market and with the Apple App Store, flagship in the mobile applications market. But there is an important fact that in this case we are obliged to contrast: the Market Place has reached10,200 applications in just four months.
The Market Place is the store that houses all the applications, both free and paid, that are available for Windows Phone 7. In this case, we have found a very relevant piece of information. And it is that neither the Android Market nor the Apple App Store managed to reach this figure in the time that Microsoft has done. Application developers, and the Redmond factory in particular, went so far as to upload up to 1,000 applications each week, an amount that represents a considerable effort on the part of the company. So it is not strange that Windows Phone 7you already have this large number of applications for mobile phones.
In any case, the experts are clear that the alliance between Nokia and Microsoft has been a fundamental step to give an important push to the creation of new applications. The fact that the Finnish giant has jumped on the Windows Phone 7 bandwagon has motivated many, many developers who have seen more chances of success for Microsoft's new operating system with Nokia.
In addition, it is expected that within a few months, just when Nokia has presented the terminals with Windows Phone 7, the rate of applications will rise progressively. Remember that the Android Market already has 200,000 programs, while the App Store already has up to 350,000 in its catalog. The race has begun.
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