With the launch of Windows Phone 7 and the arrival of the LG Optimus 7 in Spain, many users will want to complement the functions of their phone with applications. This includes interesting tools to play music, manage mail or documents, but also games mostly, main reason for the success of this type of app stores. It is not surprising, in this sense, that Microsoft has signed several agreements with developers, to start offering the sea of different options to users of its operating system.
The truth is that if we compare Microsoft's Market Place with the Android Market or the App Store, the picture looks the poorest. But Windows Phone 7 is just here, and engines are just starting to warm up. At the moment, we know that there are up to 120 applications created by third parties, that is, by companies that are expressly dedicated to the development of this type of program. But this is not the only drawback, if we have to label it that way. And is that to see the available applications you have to download the latest version of Zune, a program that also works fordesktop operating systems (Windows 7, XP and Vista).
Most applications have to do with the world of games, although others also focus their attention on social networks such as Twitter, apart from services such as Netflix or Flixter. There are also applications to control the fuel in your vehicle to find the metro stations closest or to book travel, hotels and flights with the best possible comfort. How could it be otherwise, one of the star applications allows us to reserve a table in restaurants in our city. It is expected that during the next few months, just when Windows Phone 7has finally landed, the store expands its horizons up to 2,000 applications.
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