Table of contents:
- Test bench to know how much battery WhatsApp uses on mobile
- Measurement process to know how much battery WhatsApp uses on the mobile
- How much battery does WhatsApp use on the mobile?
Let the first stone be cast if you do not have WhatsApp installed on your smartphone, this instant messaging application is one of the most downloaded in history. It has many virtues, but resource management is not one of them. We have already taught you to solve the problems that this application can present and even to check if the battery consumption is excessive. But today we have decided to go one step further and try to calculate how much battery WhatsApp uses on the mobile. We started.
Test bench to know how much battery WhatsApp uses on mobile
Before entering the matter, we are going to specify the methodology that we have used. First of all, the smartphone in which we have WhatsApp installed is the Moto One Zoom, the Android version is the latest available on this device, 9.0 Pie, the WhatsApp version is the most up-to-date stable on the Play Store or 2.20.108 to be more specific. Now, to measure the amount of battery WhatsApp uses on the mobile, we are going to use the statistics offered by the battery section within the device settings and as a complement to the AccuBattery application, which you can download in the Play Store from this link.
The procedure to follow with the use of the mobile is as follows:
- It will be 100% charged at the start of the test.
- WhatsApp will be kept in multitasking at all times.
- The use will be under WiFi due to the conditions in which we find ourselves.
- Captures will be made each time a percentage multiple of 10 is reached.
- The end of the test will be when the battery reaches 15%.
- The data will be shared, both those from AccuBattery and those offered by the mobile settings.
Measurement process to know how much battery WhatsApp uses on the mobile
After having qualified the methodology of use and measurement, we go in depth in what interests us. How much battery does WhatsApp use on the mobile? When measuring from 100% battery we can see how WhatsApp consumption varies throughout the entire cycle of mobile use. Upon reaching 90%, WhatsApp has been in use for 8 minutes and according to the settings it has consumed 1% of the percentage that has been spent. If we look at the AccuBattery statistics, the percentage is 1.1% and the milliamp-hour expenditure is 44.4 mAh.
Another 10% less and the consumption of WhatsApp in the settings remains at 1%, but the use has risen to 11 minutes. The application we use to compare tells another story, the use has risen to 1.4% and the energy consumption also to 55.5 mAh.
With 70% battery, the battery consumption of WhatsApp on the mobile has risen to 3% and the use time is 32 minutes. When comparing the data offered by the battery settings with the measurement application, we have a difference of 0.3%, being the expenditure of 3.3% and 133.2 mAh in AccuBattery.
Another 10% more consumed and we are at 60%, this is the turning point of this test. WhatsApp has consumed 10% and its usage time has risen to 1 hour and 53 minutes. The AccuBattery data is similar, although it is on the low side: 9.3% and 375.9 mAh consumed.
When reaching 50% of battery used, WhatsApp is at the top of the statistic. Consumption is 14% and the usage time is 2 hours 43 minutes. The data offered by AccuBattery is still below, although the margin is very small: 13.1% consumption and a battery consumption of 542.9 mAh.
And at 40% battery it maintains what we have been seeing from 60%, WhatsApp is in the first place of applications with the highest battery consumption. In the mobile battery section we can see that it has a usage time of 3 hours and 14 minutes, which is equivalent to 16% of the battery consumed. The AccuBattery data is becoming more similar, 15.8% battery consumed or 644.6 mAh.
We are reaching the endgame , with 30% the usage time has risen to 3 hours and 18 minutes and the percentage remains at 16%. In AccuBattery the data is almost equal: 16.1% battery consumed or 651.2 mAh. And, of course, WhatsApp is the application that is spending the most battery on the smartphone.
We reached 20% and the data remains constant: WhatsApp has consumed 16% of the battery and has been in use for 3 hours and 18 minutes. If we see the data that AccuBattery offers us, we have that the percentage is 0.5% higher, 16.5% or 652.6 mAh consumed from the battery.
At 15% battery, this experiment ends. If we go to the battery section in the settings we see that the percentage of use of WhatsApp has changed, instead of being 16%, it is now 15%. This difference is due to the fact that the statistics have been recalculated as time has passed and, now, the energy expenditure of the 3 hours and 18 minutes of use of WhatsApp is equivalent to 15% of the general expenditure. When comparing data with AccuBattery, we see that here it continues to mark a usage above 16%, 16.7% to be exact, it is most likely that this application has not recalculated the battery consumption. Of course, the interesting data is the amount of milliamp hours consumed and, which, in this case, is 652.6 mAh.
How much battery does WhatsApp use on the mobile?
We are going to leave doubts and answer the question that gives the title to this article: You will be surprised to know how much battery WhatsApp uses on your mobile. In our test, WhatsApp consumption is equivalent to 15% of battery consumption and this percentage translated into figures (AccuBattery) is 652.6 mAh. And, obviously this is a case and it is possible that your terminal consumes more or even less. Of course, my use is conventional, I have several contacts with whom I speak daily and a couple of active groups. I consider that the consumption that it has given me is high, but it is not far from applications that I use daily so it is to be expected. But if you notice that WhatsApp consumes more than the account you can visit this article where we teach you to solve that problem.