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We are not surprised that Samsung launches a promotion for its star devices. Above all, in their releases. An example is the promo that Samsung has with the pre-purchase of the new Galaxy Note 8. If you reserve the device, Samsung will give you a Dex. In this case, they have activated a promotion for those interested in buying a Samsung Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8 +. We remember that this device was presented at the beginning of the year, and incorporated the infinite screen technology in the high-end of the Galaxy. Now, if we buy it, Samsung will give us 100 euros back.
”˜” ™ Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 + € 100 cashback ”™” ™ This is the name of the promotion that Samsung has active on its website until October 31 of this year. It consists of a refund of 100 euros for the purchase of one of these two devices. So really, they offer you a discount of about 100 euros, so it would cost you about 710 euros for the Galaxy S8 and 810 euros for the Galaxy S8 +.
How to get Samsung to refund you 100 euros for the purchase of a Galaxy S8
In order to take advantage of this promotion, you must have purchased one of these two models since September 1. If you are interested in the discount, you have until October 31. You will have to go to the Samsung website and fill out the form so that they will refund the amount established by the promotion. It is not necessary to buy the device on the official website. PhoneHouse, Fnac, Worten, Vodafone, Carrefour and other businesses also have the promotion active. Once the form is filled out, Samsung will send you an email saying if it will refund the 100 euros, or if you do not meet the requirements.
We must mention that there are all the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + models available, including also the DualSIM versions of both devices. Without a doubt, this is a good opportunity to get one of these two devices. Which one do you prefer?