Samsung is one of the companies that is taking the updates of its equipment, both tablets and smartphones, more seriously. And in this last sector, dates have already been given for a new mobile: the Samsung Galaxy S Advance. The update that should arrive early next year is Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.
The new head of Samsung commented that the company would dedicate its efforts, not only to the manufacture of new models, but also to update its current equipment catalog. And so it is. Recently it was known that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 tablet began to receive the new Google icons. And now it is the turn of the dual-core model Samsung Galaxy S Advance.
This has been reported by the German subsidiary of Samsung through its official Facebook account. The update is scheduled to begin in January, although a specific date must still be specified. Of course, the new version is expected to reach different countries in a staggered manner. And, as always, free terminals will be the first to get the improvements.
As they have commented, the new version will be available, both through the Samsung Kies program and via wireless update (OTA). However, this second option usually takes some more time. Therefore, once Android 4.1 begins to be released, the fastest way will be by connecting the smartphone to a computer via cable.
With Jelly Bean "" as they have referred to in the Facebook account "", the improvements will be obvious: the operation will be much more fluid, in addition to adding new functions such as Google Now. It has not been clear if the user interface will also be modified and the Asian giant will have deemed it appropriate to include the Samsung TouchWiz Nature UX , an interface that was released through the Samsung Galaxy S3.
On the other hand, it has been thought that it would be Android 4.1 and not Android 4.2. And it is that Samsung Germany has not specified the version "" Android 4.2 is also included in the Jelly Bean family "". However, it has been concluded that the manufacturer usually updates its flagships first. And, later, go down according to the catalog.
On the other hand, this Samsung Galaxy S Advance was presented as a new alternative to the old Samsung Galaxy S or Samsung Galaxy S Plus. With this model, a dual-core processor with a working frequency of one GHz was included, in addition to increasing its RAM memory up to 768 MB. Also, the camera would continue to have a five-megapixel sensor, although in this case an LED Flash will be added to increase the quality in the darkest scenes.
Other interesting aspects of this smartphone are, for example, that it can record videos in high definition. Includes an FM radio tuner. And it has an internal memory of eight GigaBytes that can be increased with 32 GB through MicroSD memory cards.