An important part of the agreement that was announced almost a year ago between Microsoft and Nokia was referred to the transfer to Finnish applications so that they could be re-housed in the virtual showcase of Redmond, that is, the Marketplace. However, users who make use of this online store for mobile phones were not able until recently to determine which applications come from Nokia funds and which do not.
That has already changed. And it is that as we know through WMPowerUser, in the Marketplace a space specially designed for the followers of the Finnish firm has already been reserved. It is called Nokia Collection, and at the moment it is only available for mobile phones from the Finnish company - that is, in the Nokia Lumia 800 and Nokia Lumia 710 -.
Unfortunately, since this exclusive section has still been officially opened, so we do not know which applications Nokia will start sharing through the Nokia Collection for Windows Phone 7.5 Mango. The main interest of Microsoft was in the service of maps and GPS navigation, although since Nokia they have covered their backs, preserving the point-to-point guidance system - which in the aforementioned mobiles receives the name of Nokia Drive -.
It's not the only exclusive Redmond is interested in after. In addition, as we have already seen in the first terminals of the Lumia line, the Espoo- based firm has opted for musical content with Nokia Music and Nokia Mix, a couple of services with which to listen to free music so they would also have shown their predilection for the Microsoft guys. In any case, it seems unlikely that Nokia will bend over backwards by giving up some of the appeal of its exclusive software .
That is why it could produce so much expectation to know what is behind the -figured- doors of the Nokia Collection. The company's trajectory in terms of application marketing has been working for more than two and a half years, in which agreements have been made with many developers and companies responsible for utilities and games, so the Nokia Collection could be composed of also by applications directly from Symbian, although duly adapted to Windows Phone.