Table of contents:
- How to make your own WhatsApp stickers thanks to these apps
- Sticker Maker
- Sticker studio
- Sticker Maker - Stickify
- Wemoji
- Sticker Maker for WhatsApp
Those of us who are Android fans appreciate the Google operating system for the enormous customization capacity it has. And that in the Play Store we can find everything. Recently, WhatsApp allowed, finally, the sending of stickers, those virtual 'stickers' that were nothing but a kind of improved version of the emoticons of a lifetime. The flood of stickers was immediate, being able to house in our account innumerable collections that referred to the entire possible spectrum of emotions. Stickers for anything, as we already did with emoticons. But much better.
And of course, we can make our stickers, with the images we want, thanks to some third-party applications that we can download from the Google Play store totally free. Here we select the best and simplest that we have used to make your own WhatsApp stickers. Follow the steps and create your sticker collections easily and for free.
How to make your own WhatsApp stickers thanks to these apps
Sticker Maker
One of the most popular Android applications to create your own custom stickers. It is as easy to use as installing it, opening it, choosing the photo that we want to cut to convert the image into a sticker and save it in a new collection of stickers. Each collection, beware of this, has been awarded a cover sticker that you will also have to make, an essential condition for us to create the new sticker pack. We can give you personalized cuts, freehand (the image will zoom so that we can 'cut' by hand), or predefined shapes such as circles or squares. The packages will also be named and it is very easy to add to our WhatsApp, just follow the instructions on the screen.
Be careful, there are certain occasions in which the new stickers may take time to appear. Try to remove WhatsApp from multitasking when you add a new sticker to the collection to update the package.
Download - Sticker Maker (5.3 MB)
Sticker studio
Let's click on the '+' sign to create our first sticker pack in the Sticker Studio application. As always, you can take a photo that you have already taken or take it directly in this step. If we choose the first option, we must give permission to our storage. As in the previous application, we must follow the silhouette of the image that we want to extract with our finger until it is completed. Then we can add, on the resulting sticker itself, a hand-drawn drawing or text of our choice. To save the sticker, click on the check at the top of the screen and name our collection.
This application also allows you to add the sticker not only to WhatsApp but also to the Google Gboard keyboard. In order to add the package to WhatsApp it must contain at least three stickers.
Download - Sticker Studio (5.2 MB)
Sticker Maker - Stickify
As soon as we open the application, we will be asked to create the first sticker. As a novelty, in this app we can choose our image not only from the gallery but also from cloud applications such as Drive or, directly, from Android files. In this application we will not be able to choose the freehand contour, having to settle for the pre-established shapes of a circle or rectangle that can be modified in size by adjusting the guides. Click on 'cut' when you already have the chosen cutout. Later, we can decorate our sticker with emojis, text, or some fun decorations. Then we save and name the collection. We add WhatsApp and that's it.
Download - Sticker Maker - Stickify (7.4 MB)
We are finishing the tour of applications to make our WhatsApp stickers with Wemoji. On the main screen we have two shortcuts, 'Create sticker' or 'My stickers'. In the first we are going to create our stickers and in the second we will see the ones we have already created. In the '+' sign that we see on the left, we are going to add our images and then convert them into a sticker. When the image to be cropped appears we have two working modes, zoom mode and crop mode. We can vary from one to the other to further adjust the cutout of the sticker. At the end of doing so, click on 'Crop' and we will have the result of the sticker. I especially liked this application because, when cropping, it adds a blur effect that softens the sticker and makes it look more professional. We can adjust this blurry effect with an intensity bar, accompanied by a pen icon. We can also adjust the size of the sticker by adjusting it with the guides that we will see before saving it.
To add the cutout to a sticker pack we will have to create it by pressing the green '+' that appears after trying to save the cutout we just made. We put the name of the sticker, the author of the same, then we choose the package in which we want to save our latest masterpiece and add the final result to WhatsApp.
Download - Wemoji (15 MB)
Sticker Maker for WhatsApp
This application, in addition to allowing you to create stickers, gives you a few of its own. Follow the same pattern as the previous ones: you must choose an image from your gallery or take a photo at that moment, perform the cut manually (it does not offer predetermined patterns) and then save the image in a package of named stickers. In order for you to add the package to WhatsApp, you must include at least three stickers. You can add opacity and blur effect to the sticker.