Despite lagging behind in the race for mobile ecosystems, Windows Phone is stepping on the accelerator with a view to climbing positions and placing itself among the top positions, as some analysts predict "" it is expected that Microsoft's platform could be the second environment for smartphones , behind Android, for the year 2015 "".
At least, if we use the prominence claimed by the application stores of each operating system as a barometer of the popularity of the platform, the exponential growth shown by Windows Phone points in the direction indicated by some studies.
Not in vain, and when Windows Phone has been on the market for just over a year, the Marketplace "" the name given to the application store of this system "" has already exceeded the barrier of 60,000 applications. The data becomes more important when it is known that the last 10,000 apps that have joined the virtual showcase have arrived in the last month, according to data exposed by the All About Windows Phone site.
This site analyzes the data and offers a very interesting reading about the accelerated growth that the platform is presenting. And it is that if the Marketplace has taken less than a month to be nurtured with more than 10,000 new applications, the same amount required one s 40 days when the 50,000 apps concentrated in the online store were reached.
Another piece of information that is used to analyze the good health that Windows Phone is showing is defined by the number of applications that have been incorporated into the Marketplace from one year to the next. Thus, they point out that in the period between January 8 and 15, 2011, only 405 applications were added to the platform's exclusive store; in 2012, the same margin "" referring to the second week of the year, by the way "" concentrated 3,362 new applications in the Windows Phone showcase.
The daily average of new additions to the virtual shelves of mobiles based on the Microsoft operating system is approximately 400 applications during the last month, an amount that is anticipated less than what could be expected in the analysis that is expected to be carried out in February, which following the trend shown so far, could throw a new milestone with the arrival of 70,000 in an even shorter period.