Movistar has just announced the launch of a new service for its phones with a 3G connection. It is the mobile version of the domestic television service, which he has simply called Imagenio Móvil. It is a paid service that, for a monthly fee of five euros, allows access to a catalog of up to 25 channels, including sports programming, the company's video store and a good number of series. And all this, directly from the mobile screen.
The Imagenio Móvil service will be provided free of charge to new customers during a promotional period of one month, so that they can test how this system works. Users who already had a subscription to the company's previous product, Emoción TV, will not have to renew the service, but will have automatic access to Imagenio Móvil. On the other hand, current clients of Imagenio TV in their home can purchase Imagenio Móvil at half price, that is, for 2.5 euros.
The range of Imagenio Móvil's programming, as we have said, includes 25 channels, including Fox, Gol Televisión, MTV, Eurosport, AXN or Calle 13, among others. Access to this service will be pre-installed in the new terminals that are sold from now on by this operator, while those that are already in circulation will have to enter through Emotion. Those who do not have an icon that allows this access, just have to update the firmware of their terminal.
On the other hand, the cost of the subscription that gives the user access to Imagenio Móvil is not only used to watch the 25 channels on the mobile. In addition, it allows us to connect the phone (or the USB modem) to the laptop so that we can see the programming from the screen of our small computer. This, in addition, will be very comfortable when it comes to viewing the channels from the panel of our tablet.
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