The American company Google is determined to improve the web experience of mobile and tablet users. After having launched a tool to compare mobiles, and after giving special importance to the adaptation of web pages to the mobile format, it has been discovered that Google is working on an alert to differentiate web pages that may be slow to load from a mobile device. This alert is nothing more than a warning message in search results, and apparently its purpose is to warn users of excessive load times that can be found on slower web pages.
This alert appears in the search results of the mobile version of Google, and at the moment in which a result can suppose an excessive load time, the user will see a warning with the message of " Slow to load ". As they have discovered in, at the moment it seems that this novelty is in the testing phase in the United States, but it should only be a matter of time before it also extends to the rest of the world. In the screenshot attached as an example of this novelty we can see that, when performing a search with the keyword of " Jurassic world trailer ", Google catalogs the results of with the notice that the page may take longer than usual to load.
The Google load time alerts will be adapted to the data connection that the user has active at all times, which can end up being interesting in order to avoid long waiting times when opening links in which the content is too heavy to Our rate.
And, as was clear with the presentation of the Android M update, one of Google's priorities is to improve the experience of users who browse the network through data rates. For example, the Google Chrome and Google Maps applications will receive an update that will make it possible to operate even without a data connection, and in the specific case of Chrome, users will have the ability to download pages to consult them later without having to have an active one internet connection.
Meanwhile, the only thing left to users is to try to reduce data consumption as much as possible until these news begin to become a reality. Saving data on an Android mobile is not particularly complicated, and it only requires some attention to monitor the use we make of our rate. Until rates like the SinfĂn de Yoigo (with 20 GigaBytes of data for 29 euros per month) are not popular with the rest of the operators, we have no choice but to continue to be attentive to the data consumption of our mobile.