Google has announced through its Twitter account that the process of updating its head phones, the Nexus One and Nexus S, has already begun. The system with which they will be updated is, as usual, by means of an over-the-air update (known as OTA ), and the version that they will be able to install will be Android 2.3.3, the latest edition of the platform also known as Gingerbread.
Due to the characteristics of this type of update, the process could take a few weeks until all users who wish to update the system, according to Google itself. Among the main attractions that the new version of this platform brings with it, the native support for NFC communication functions stands out, which is that chip with which, among other things, we could use the mobile to pay for our purchases and services, as if a credit card in question.
Through Android Central, we learned that the update process began last night, and as a saying, it could take several weeks from now. That being the case, it is confirmed that before we could see the latest version of the platform on devices from other brands, Google would have reserved the exclusive premiere of Gingerbread in its previous flagship, the Nexus One, as had been speculated.
On the other hand, the update Android 2.3.3 would not only be equipped with support for NFC, but also come to correct some registered with the operation of the incidents Nexus S. And it is that although the previous version, Android 2.3.2, served to prevent unauthorized sending of SMS messages, with this edition that began to be launched last night it is about fixing the problem that many users are experiencing when their mobile restarts by itself.
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