Slowly and with nice handwriting. This is how the rhythms are being set with the official Facebook application integrated into Windows Phone 7. The mobile access service designed for mobiles with Microsoft's operating system jumps to its first update, Facebook 1.1, to add some improvements to its standard functions.
To start, users of phones that run on Windows Phone 7 can tag pictures uploaded from the own mobile via Facebook. And in addition, they can also use the location tool of the popular social network, the so-called Facebook Places or Facebook Places, so that we can tell our contacts where we are at all times using the GPS of our terminal.
Of course, the Facebook 1.1 update is completely free, and can be run from the application itself or through the Marketplace. Unfortunately, among the new functions of this package of improvements for the access service to the popular social network, some of the most demanded by users have been left out.
Among these, the Facebook chat. But let's not despair. Android users have had to be patient until the moment when, with the Facebook 1.5 update, it was possible to use the internal conversations system.
In any case, unofficial applications, such as Facebook IM, allow us to use Facebook chat in case we are especially given to using this means of communication with our contacts. However, it should be remembered that this application, like many others from third parties, do not offer the integration point in the platform that we do find in the new Facebook 1.1.
Other news about… Facebook, Windows