The ZTE Blade V8 Pro was announced earlier in the year. Several months later, the device is receiving its first security update. It is a data package that requires some urgency, since it solves several important problems. If you have one of these models, the normal thing is that you will see a pop-up message appear on the screen notifying you of the new update. In any case, you can check it yourself from the settings, updates section. You will not need to use any type of cable. The security update of the ZTE Blade V8 Pro is done using FOTA (firmware over the air).
This new package, which corresponds to the security update for January (the first the team receives), fixes some important problems. On the one hand, the error that caused the closing of the music application has been fixed. Likewise, the one related to time synchronization in widgets has also been solved. The update also streamlines the user interface and includes various performance improvements and bug fixes.
Security update available for ZTE Blade V8 Pro
Before updating, we recommend that you make a backup of all your data. Nothing should happen during the process, but it is always better to heal in health. Also, make sure that at the time of updating you are in a place with a stable and fast WiFi connection. Avoid updating through the data connection you have contracted.
It is also essential that at the time of download you have your device with more than half the charge. It is best to have the battery at maximum, but if not, try to make it at least fifty percent minimum.