Those responsible for the processes of unlocking the system of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch have in their sights the iPhone 4S and iPad 2, but for the moment, the latest editions of Apple's mobile and tablet are not prey to be let hunt so easily. So hunting only serves to speak of the Jailbreak that the Cupertino people have known how to protect their most current terminals, and that from the Chronic Dev Team they are unable to beat. At least for the moment.
And it is that in a video leaked by one of the members of this group of hackers (which responds to the nickname of Pod2g), we can see how a device equipped with the most advanced version of the operating system that the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 use (iOS 5.0.1) works correctly, showing signs that the defenses of the system that precisely pulverize the Jailbreak process have fallen.
And even more: in the sequence we see how the terminal is turned off to turn on again, conserving access to the Cydia repositories, one of the most obvious signs that the Jailbreak works despite restarting the terminal. It is what is known as Jailbreak Untethered.
If you are a user of iPhone 4S or iPad 2, do not throw the bells to the flight yet and keep the enthusiasm at bay. The test has been run on an iPod Touch, which has served as an analysis base to check the operation of the unlocking process of the impregnable iOS 5.0.1.
No obstante, el reto de los responsables del Jailbreak es ahora aún mayor, ya que el blindaje de los iPhone 4S y iPad 2 es todavía más resistente si cabe y que realmente trae de cabeza a los desarrolladores que llevan semanas devanándose los sesos.
In fact, after having brought down the defenses of iOS 5.0.1, the next enemy to beat for the guys from the Chronic Dev Team is precisely the couple made up of the latest devices presented by Apple, which could make it possible that before At the end of the year, the i Phone 4S and the iPad 2 allow us to install unofficial applications in their memory, as well as to access some of the functions that, from the factory, are capped by the manufacturers, but that remain within our reach a time we jailbreak the device.