It has happened to many of us and it is like suffering a microinfarction. Time stretches out as we watch our mobile fall from our hands to the ground. If it falls face down, double trauma, that of seeing it fall and that of turning it over to see if the screen is still intact or has suffered some other damage. If bad luck has struck your device, you have no choice but to send it to technical service to have the screen replaced. You could choose to buy another terminal, but if it is as recent as the Huawei P30 Lite, buying another is not in anyone's plans.
Next, we are going to tell you how much it would cost you to repair the Huawei P30 Lite screen in different online stores. This can be used as a reference if you decide to go to one of the repair shops that are in your city.
On the 'Mobile world' page we are warned that, to the price of screen repair that amounts to 80 euros, you must add 12 euros if you are outside the province of Madrid. If you can go to one of the two stores it has in the Spanish capital, all the better. They claim to repair your device in one hour and without an appointment, in addition to being able to finance the repair payment.
On this other page, Computer Chamberí, the repair price is 75 euros, with collection and delivery of the terminal throughout Spain for a price of 10 euros. In total, 85 euros if your Huawei P30 Lite is not in the Madrid capital. In addition, in this store you can also request the replacement of the charging port for 35 euros, the battery change and problems due to a wet terminal for the same price. Each repair would have a 6-month warranty.
These are the two stores that we have found to repair the screen of your Huawei P30 Lite with the most competitive prices. Now it is up to you to decide on any of them or compare prices with stores in your own city. Before hiring any service, always look at its conditions and the guarantees offered by the repair.