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It seems incredible that in 2018 we will have to resort to internal backups to store conversations locally. Thanks to Google Drive, making copies of the conversations we have on WhatsApp has become a relatively simple process. However, they need a backup file to restore all the conversations on our mobile. If you have reached this post, it is probably because you want to pass WhatsApp conversations from one mobile to another (understand with Android). Yesterday we taught you to have dark mode in the application through GBWhatsApp Plus and this time we will show you how without losing any conversation or file along the way.
How to save WhatsApp backup to SD card
On an SD card or any external storage device. To transfer WhatsApp conversations from one mobile to another with Android, the first thing we will need is to save the local backup copies of the application to send them later to the mobile that we want. Before starting the whole process described below, it is advisable to make a manual backup (in Settings / Chats / Backup and Save) to have the latest messages and conversations created. Now we can get down to work.
The first step to get hold of these copies will be, as you may have imagined, downloading a file explorer. There are a large number of applications of this type on Google Play, however, the one that we recommend is ES Explorer.
Once we have downloaded it, we will open the application and access the internal storage of our phone, specifically the WhatsApp folder. Inside this folder we find three more folders; the one that interests us is Databases. As you may have guessed, in this folder are all the files related to WhatsApp backups. These files should be in a format similar to db.crypt12 or another number.
To save them and transfer them to another mobile we will have to copy them to a new folder, which must be on an SD card or a storage device, although we can also upload them to a cloud service manually. Of course, we will have to select all the files, since otherwise our conversations will not be restored correctly.
Transfer WhatsApp conversations to another mobile
Have we already saved all the files with the db.crypt extension? Now we will have to transfer it to another mobile through an SD card, a pendrive or any of the previously mentioned methods. When we have transferred them, we can install WhatsApp on the new mobile, although it is best not to access with our number at the moment so as not to lose the saved conversations.
Once we have installed it, we must install a file explorer again to move through the system files to our liking. The one we mentioned at the beginning of the article is sufficient for the task that we will carry out.
After having installed the file explorer in question, we will navigate to the Databases folder created by the application within the WhatsApp folder. As we have not registered with our number, this folder is probably empty or does not exist. It is now when we will have to paste the previous files with the db.cript extension to restore the backup copy of our conversations. In the event that the Databases folder is not created, we will create it ourselves and insert the files manually.
Now yes, we can register our number in the application, although this time, by asking us for access to our Google Drive account, it will restore all the old conversations that we have had on the previous mobile, with all the files, photos, videos and even voice notes.