Table of contents:
- Download Google Cam APK for Redmi Note 7
- Google Camera without root
- Google Camera 7.3 by Parrot043
- Gcamator, to find a compatible APK
- How to install Google Camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 7
This summer marks two years of one of the best-selling Xiaomi phones in our country. We are talking about the Redmi Note 7, one of the models with the best value for money on the market in 2018 and 2019. Coincidentally, it is also one of the company's phones with the greatest support from the developer community. Proof of this is the presence of a multitude of versions of the Google Camera application for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7, also known as GCam. This time we will show you how to install the Google camera on the Xiaomi phone without root or third-party applications.
Download Google Cam APK for Redmi Note 7
On the Internet there are dozens of versions of the Google camera compatible with the Redmi Note 7. Most of these versions require root, while others are only installed as a conventional application. Let's see some of the best known versions.
Google Camera without root
It is a cover version of the original Google Pixel application. The advantage of this version is that it does not require root to work, it will be enough to install the application from the APK file et voilĂ . On the contrary, the possibilities with respect to other versions that do require root are somewhat more limited.
Google Camera 7.3 by Parrot043
One of the most modern versions of Google Camera for the Redmi Note 7. Developed by Parrot043, it is a general version for the Pocophone F1, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 and Redmi Note 8 and the Xiaomi Mi 9T and Mi 9T. The advantage of being one of the most recent versions of GCam is that we have the Astrophotography photography mode, as well as a much more modern interface and improved facial recognition.
Gcamator, to find a compatible APK
The last option we can turn to is GCamator, a repository of Google Camera versions available for almost any phone compatible with the application. The tool in question can be downloaded completely free of charge from the Google store. Later we will select our smartphone model to see the number of compatible versions ready to download and install on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7.
How to install Google Camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 7
Unlike other models of the company, installing the Google Cam application on the Redmi Note 7 is really simple. The reason is because the phone is natively compatible with the Camera2 API, a set of Android libraries necessary to take advantage of all the phone's camera features.
To install the APK application through, the first thing we will have to do is go to the Security section in the Settings application. Then, we will activate the box for Installing applications from unknown sources to enable the installation of applications from outside the Google store.
Finally we will accept the installation from Google Chrome. To apply an XML configuration file from the application itself, we will click twice on the black part of the interface. The application will then allow us to navigate between the files in memory to load a configuration that we have previously downloaded.