From the first moment we turn on the Samsung Galaxy S4, the flagship of the South Korean firm displays a vast catalog of applications with which the user can perform a multitude of tasks. And not only thanks to the native Google suite (Gtalk, Gmail, Google Maps, Navigation…), but especially because of the many innovations provided by Samsung itself, ranging from the personal trainer S Health to the multimedia options of Group Play, S Translator, S Voice or WatchON, among many others.
But of course, it is more than likely that we want to add some of the fundamental applications available for the Samsung Galaxy S4, such as WhatsApp, Spotify or LINE. This device can be made with thousands of apps available from the Android (Google Play) and Samsung (Samsung Apps) portals, which are available to the user with just a few steps. If we are recent users of the Samsung Galaxy S4, estrenarnos or just use a smartphone based on Android, enough to know these simple steps to begin downloading and installing applications on mobile.
As we have said, there are two main channels to obtain utilities and downloadable games. It is likely that when we turned on the Samsung Galaxy S4 for the first time we entered the data of our user account in Google and Samsung, if we had them. If not, we would only have to go to the accounts section in the settings menu to be able to associate these accounts (or create them, if we were not registered yet) with the Samsung Galaxy S4. In a previous post we already explained how to configure several user accounts with this phone.
Once our Samsung Galaxy S4 is linked to Google and Samsung accounts, we would only have to go to Google Play or Samsung Apps to start selecting the applications to download and install. The first of these portals is the official Android one, and in its last count (October 2012) the application pool had 700,000 apps. Once we enter, we not only have utilities with which to enrich the terminal's functions, but also movies, books and music, which we can download to our Samsung Galaxy S4 to enjoy thanks to its multimedia power.
Once inside, we access "Applications" or "Games" and we just have to navigate between its options to select the ones that interest us the most. If we are clear about what we are looking for, we can enter the keywords of the apps that we want by clicking on the magnifying glass icon that we will see in the upper right corner of the screen. Once we find the application we want, we just have to click on "Install" and follow the steps indicated. If the selected app or game is paid, we will have to enter billing information, either by using a debit or credit card, or by associating the Google Play account with our mobile bill"" As long as our operator has that option "". The process is practically identical in Samsung Apps, although with the exception that the number of applications and games available is much smaller, although it can include free tickets that are paid in Google Play.