The Canadian maker of BlackBerry, RIM, has launched strong accusations against the applications that Apple has in its store. “We don't need 200 farting apps,” said Alan Panezic, vice president and product manager for platforms at BlackBerry. In addition, he added that these types of applications are used three or four times and never again add value or encourage advertising consumption or the purchase of premium applications.
Panezic, however, has also thrown rocks on its own roof by acknowledging that BlackBerry applications are not widely sold and that they are also expensive. While Apple apps cost no more than a dollar, BlackBerry apps are around $ 3. And it is that, until now, leisure and entertainment applications have not been a goal for the Canadian firm, although this fact could change with the launch of the tablet with high-resolution graphics PlayBook.
However, this is not BlackBerry's biggest problem. The Canadian firm has serious problems with bureaucracy and security in the Arab Emirates. In fact, if BlackBerry does not present a solution before October 11, messaging, email and Internet browsing services could be blocked in the Emirates. And we must remember that the Government fears that these terminals will be used to plan terrorist attacks.
RIM has 50,000 clients in the Arab Emirates. That is why they are in full negotiations to try to find a solution. The cost that this conflict may cause to the Canadian company is not yet known, but what we do know is that BlackBerry sales in the Emirates have already fallen by 40%.
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