The Blackberry Bold 9780 is now available for free through Orange. To date, only Vodafone customers have been eligible. On this occasion, Orange users who are part of the group of freelancers or companies have access to it . At the moment, individuals will not be able to have the Blackberry Bold 9780 at their disposal, although it is possible that in the not too distant future it may be within reach. The device presented by RIM works through the Blackberry 6 operating system. It is capable of compatible with 3G and Wi-Fi networks, which will allow us to access the Internetto make any query. It incorporates a camera with five megapixel sensor.
The fact is that to get the new Blackberry Bold 9780 for free you have to access Orange through portability. In this way, the user will have to associate the Delfín 59 rate (70 euros / month) to benefit from the offer. In this sense, it is necessary to accept a commitment of permanence of 24 months (in contract) and 12 months (in tariff). In the event that we are not interested in this rate, we always have the option of joining the Delfín 42 (50 euros / month) or Delfín 32 (38 euros / month) to get the Blackberry Bold 9780 for 80 euros. Here the commitment to stay is reduced to18 months (in contract) and 12 months (in tariff).
By accessing Orange through a new registration we will not have the opportunity to get the Blackberry Bold 9780 for free. The minimum price is 200 euros with a monthly fee of 93 euros. With normal registration it will cost us 310 euros, an amount to which we will have to add a voice quota of 12 euros per month. In that case, the company or the self-employed person will have to accept a commitment to stay for 18 months with a contract and 6 months for a fee. The device is not yet in the official catalog of the company, although it is very possible that it could be incorporated shortly. For now, users can find it in the Connection Store. The prices indicated in this article include 18% VAT.
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