Table of contents:
- Who is 983070391?
- How to block calls from 983070391 and other numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by Your Expert
There have not been precisely few reports in recent weeks that have reached us about calls from the number 983070391. The phone in question follows the same route as those seen above: it makes calls throughout the day and even at less than decent hours. If we take into account the prefix 983 we could think that it is a telephone number belonging to the community of Valladolid. But is it really a private phone or does it simply belong to a company that wants to offer us some kind of service or product?
Who is 983070391?
"Missed calls from 983070391 throughout the day" or "no response from the person who attends us" are some of the reports from several of the affected users in the different Internet forums. Although the first reports of the number in question date back to 2018, this last month we have seen a growing demand for searches on Google. Who is hiding behind it?
According to several users, Jazztel. Many others say that MásMóvil is behind the number, which makes us think that it is a teleoperation company that works with several companies at the same time. The purpose of the call, as usual, is purely advertising. The operator or operator offers us fiber and mobile plans to improve the one we have currently hired or carry out portability to the operator on duty.
In this situation, the only thing we can do is block calls from 983070391 through specialized applications or through the Robinson List.
How to block calls from 983070391 and other numbers
To block this and many other calls, we can use two simple methods: install call blocking applications or subscribe to the Robinson List and add all our phone numbers.
In the event that we want to register on the aforementioned Robinson List, we can do so by following the steps that we explain in the article that we have just linked. Once our account is created, we will only have to add the phone numbers where we want to stop receiving spam calls and messages. After a few weeks, we should stop receiving any type of communication of a commercial nature. If not, the company could be committing a crime against the Data Protection Law.
Regarding the second method, and surely the most immediate and effective, the process is as simple as downloading a call blocking app and registering the number in question. In addition, these types of applications include automatic filters that block all advertising calls registered by the system. We leave you with two of the best applications for Android and iOS: