Table of contents:
- Who is 962012007?
- How to block a call from 962012007 and other spam numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
In recent days there have been few reports from users in relation to the number 962012007. And it is that according to the testimonies of several of the affected users, the phone 962012007 makes several calls throughout the day and even at night. The prefix in question belongs to the Valencia Community. Who does it belong to? Who is the number 962012007 really? We see it below.
Who is 962012007?
"I have three calls from 962012007 missed and I don't know who it is" and "The number 962012007 has called me at night and I don't know who it may be" are some of the reports of users affected by the calls from number 962012007 in the different photos specialized. Is it a company or does it simply belong to an individual who wants to contact us?
Multigestión Iberia is the company behind the fixed number in question. The main functions of this are based on the provision of services to banks, such as debt collection, vehicle audits in credit institutions and the capture of potential banking clients.
How to block a call from 962012007 and other spam numbers
In the event that we want to block calls from 962012007 and other numbers classified as spam, we can use two simple methods.
The first of them is based on signing up for the Robinson List through the official portal. The website in question is managed by the Spanish Association of Digital Economy, and obliges all companies to stop making calls for commercial purposes at the risk of breaching the laws related to the protection of user data.
As for the second method, the process is as simple as resorting to an application to block calls on our phone. Mr. Number for iPhone phones and True Caller for Android phones are the best applications to block spam numbers.
Once we have installed the application in question, we will add the number manually to the black list and activate the anti spam call filter to block any call that the system detects as advertising.