Table of contents:
- Who is 955320964?
- How to block 955 320 964 and other spam numbers
- Other spam numbers identified by
The number 955320964 has been searched for the last few weeks. The main reason for this is because the phone in question makes calls randomly to several hundred and thousands of users from the province of Seville; also even during the weekends. If we look at the prefix 955 of the original number, its origin takes us to the city of Seville and the surrounding municipalities. Who is the 955 32 09 64 really and who is hiding behind it? Is it a spam number or does it belong to an individual? We see it below.
Who is 955320964?
"I have been called several times from the number 955320964 this afternoon and I do not know who it is", "I have five missed calls from 955320964 in less than an hour", "I have returned the call to the number 955320964 and no one answered"… These are some of the testimonies of several of the people affected by the phone calls in question. But who is hiding behind it?
Vodafone. This is confirmed by the majority of affected users on Twitter and various specialized forums. As is usual in this type of calls, their purpose is limited to offering personalized offers and plans to contract some of the services that the operator offers in Spain, even to current clients of the company. We can therefore conclude that it is a spam number.
How to block 955 320 964 and other spam numbers
Blocking calls from 955320964 and other numbers is very easy. The process, of course, depends on the type of line we have: fixed or mobile.
In the first case, the process is as easy as registering our data on the Lista Robinson website. The platform, organized by the Spanish Association of Digital Economy, obliges all Spanish companies to stop making calls for advertising purposes once we have registered all of our phone numbers. It also supports the addition of email addresses and postal addresses.
After having correctly registered on the page, the process should not last more than two months, after which we will stop receiving advertising either by telephone or by email or postal addresses.
In the case of having a mobile phone line, the method is as simple as resorting to applications that automatically identify and block calls from any number. Applications like True Caller if we have a mobile with Android or Mr. Number in the case of iOS and iPhone.
Once we have installed the application on the mobile, we will add the number 955320964 manually in the app's black list and activate the antispam filter . All calls will automatically be blocked and redirected later.
Another way to block calls from the number 955320964 and in general, from Vodafone, is based on accessing the Vodafone unsubscribe page. We will only have to indicate the telephone numbers where we want to stop receiving commercial calls, in addition to an email address, and the company will automatically stop the harassment in all the numbers that we have indicated.