Table of contents:
- Who is 935953569
- How to block calls from 935 95 35 69 and other annoying numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
Almost a hundred users have reported in various forums having received incessant calls through 935 953 569. If we pay attention to the prefix 935, the origin of the call takes us to Barcelona. Being a landline phone, the question lies precisely in the nature of the call. Is it a public administration? Do you belong to a company? Or maybe a private individual?
Who is 935953569
“They call several ceces a day, always at the same time”, “They call constantly. I pick up and they don't answer ”… These are some of the testimonies that we have been able to find on the net about the number 935 953 569. Who is really hiding behind these calls?
According to several users, it is Jazztel, the telecommunications company owned by the Orange group. The purpose of the call is promotional, as they are limited to offering a series of company service offers. In any case, from we have not been able to verify its relationship with the number 935 95 35 69, so we distance ourselves from any type of accusation.
How to block calls from 935 95 35 69 and other annoying numbers
The most effective way to block calls on a landline phone is to use the exclusion list that these types of devices usually include. In case our phone does not have this option, we can always use external blockers.
The way to proceed on a mobile phone is even simpler if possible. In Android and iOS we can go to the call history from Phone / Calls. Then, we will press and hold the number we want to block until an option appears that allows us to block calls from the selected number.
Another way to proceed is based on resorting to specialized applications, such as True Caller for Android or Mr. Number for iOS. The advantage of this method is that the applications make use of a database with thousands of records reported by the community. If the number matches any of the application's records, the call will be blocked automatically.
List of spam numbers identified by