Table of contents:
- Who is 933940594?
- How to block calls from 933 940 594 and other spam numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
Around fifty users have reported in the last month having received a multitude of calls through 933940594. If we look at the prefix, the origin of the call takes us to the province of Barcelona. The question lies precisely in the nature of the call. Is it a spam number? Do you belong to some kind of public body? Or maybe a private individual? We see it below.
Who is 933940594?
“They don't stop calling me. I have one call per day ”,“ It is the tenth call I have received today ”,“ They claim to be from Vodafone, but it looks more like some kind of scam because they request data ”… These are some of the comments we have been able to find on the Internet around the number 933 94 05 94. Who is it really about?
Apparently this is an attempted telephone scam. In a publication on the official Vodafone Twitter account, the operator has been unmarked from any call made through the number 933 940 594, so it is very likely that we are facing some type of scam. Apparently, the operator in question requests various personal data of a different nature, possibly with the aim of later using it to extract money from bank accounts.
How to block calls from 933 940 594 and other spam numbers
Depending on the type of device, blocking a phone number is a relatively straightforward process. On Android and iPhone mobiles it is as simple as going to the Phone or Calls application. Within the call history, we will press and hold the number in question until an option appears that allows us to block calls.
Another alternative to this method is to install specialized applications, such as True Caller for Android or Mr. Number for iOS. The advantage of these types of apps is that they have a record of hundreds of annoying phone numbers registered by other users. If the number matches any of the application's records, the call will be blocked automatically.
And on a landline? If the device has blocking functions, we can add the number manually to the exclusion list. Otherwise, we can always use external blockers. At Amazon we can get one for less than 25 euros.
List of spam numbers identified by