Table of contents:
- Call 910601581, who is it?
- How to block calls from 910 60 15 81 and other spam numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
Around thirty users have recently reported receiving calls from the number 910 601 581. If we look at the geographical position of the prefix 910, the origin takes us to the Spanish capital. The doubt lies precisely in its nature. Is it an official body? Do you belong to a company? Or maybe some annoying private person? We see it below.
Call 910601581, who is it?
"They call many times and hang up from this and another phone that begins with 9106015", "They do not stop calling all day from different numbers", "They call you and do not answer"… These are some of the comments that we have found on the Internet at around 910 601 581. Who is it really about?
As several users have been able to confirm, this is a possible identity theft attempt. Apparently, the person responsible for the call is posing as an agent of Vodafone, Orange and Digi to warn of an alleged increase in the rate quota. Subsequently, another agent contacts us to inform us of a substantially cheaper rate from another telephone operator. The objective? Force portability to the second company, a fact reported by Pedro Serrahima, CEO of O2, on his personal Twitter account.
How to block calls from 910 60 15 81 and other spam numbers
To avoid any type of fraud, the most recommended option is to block calls from any number related to this type of scheme. On Android and iOS, this process is as simple as going to the call history from the Calls application. Then, we will press and hold the number in question until a contextual menu with different options appears.
An alternative to this method is based on specialized applications, such as True Caller for Android or Mr. Number for iPhone. The advantage of these applications is that they have a database with reports from other users. If the number matches any of the application's records, the call is automatically blocked.
List of spam numbers identified by