Table of contents:
- Who is 910482458?
- How to block calls from 910 482 458 and other annoying numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
Dozens of users have reported in recent weeks having received several calls from 910 482 458. If we attend to the prefix 910, the origin of the call takes us to the Community of Madrid. But is it a company? Does it belong to a private person? Or maybe to some public body? We see it below.
Who is 910482458?
"Rich spam that they put in the worst moments and are very annoying", "Keep calling despite being blocked", "In a week they have called me five times"… These are some of the testimonies that we have found on the Internet about 910 48 24 58. Who is it really about?
As some users have been able to confirm, it is WiZink. The purpose of the call is nothing more than to offer a series of banking services, such as checking accounts and credit and debit cards. From we have not been able to confirm the authorship of the calls, so we stand out from any accusation.
How to block calls from 910 482 458 and other annoying numbers
Blocking a phone number on iOS and Android is really easy, we just have to access the call history from the Phone / Calls application and click on the number in question. Now an option will appear that will allow us to block calls from the number in question.
Another possibility is based on using applications such as Mr. Number for iPhone or True Caller for Android. The difference of these tools with respect to native Android and iOS solutions is that they use a database with records made by other users. If the number has received a high number of reports, the application will block the call automatically.
List of spam numbers identified by