Table of contents:
- Activate the countdown to work without interruptions
- Remove dirt from the speaker in seconds with this feature
- Download the WhatsApp statuses of your friends
- Lock apps so they never close
- Control your home devices with your mobile
- Listen to YouTube music in the background
- Use a QR code to share the WiFi password
- Hide the content of the apps in the multitasking window
- Create a hidden album for private photos and videos
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 and 9 Pro stand out for their 5,020 mAh battery and a combination of cameras for all tastes. However, your Xiaomi mobile has much more to offer, you just need to know some tricks and configuration options to take advantage of its full potential.
But do not worry, we help you in the process of discovering all the hidden potential of your mobile with this series of tricks. You can customize them to suit your needs or as a bridge to discover new functions of your mobile.
index of contents
Activate the countdown to work without interruptions
There are many options that allow you to configure notifications so that they are not a hassle. But there are times when we need absolute peace of mind, and for that, nothing better than using Do Not Disturb mode.
It's as easy as going to the notification bar and pressing the moon icon to activate it. However, if you are distracted you may forget to disable it and miss important notifications.
So the simplest and most practical way to use the "Do not disturb" function is to assign a specific time for it to be automatically disabled. To do this, follow these steps:
- Press the volume button for quick sound control options
- Choose the three dots menu and select the Do Not Disturb option
- Run the countdown slider to the amount of time you want
You have four options to configure ranging from 30 minutes, 1, 2 to 8 hours. Once you activate it, the countdown timer starts, and when the time expires, the Do Not Disturb mode is disabled.
Remove dirt from the speaker in seconds with this feature
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro has a function that can save you if the mobile was exposed to dust. And yes, also on those days at the beach, that the mobile is not saved from the sand and the occasional splash of water.
The speaker duct is one of those that suffers from these oversights, but don't worry, you can leave it as new using the “Clean speaker” option. You have to go to Settings >> Additional Settings >> Clean speaker.
Once you activate it, it will emit a rather irritating sound for about 30 seconds that will help to expel the dust. You will see in the configuration a series of instructions to make the process more efficient depending on the dirt that the speaker has accumulated. This is a convenient way to clean the speaker without damaging it.
Download the WhatsApp statuses of your friends
You do not need to download any app or search for hidden files on your mobile. To download WhatsApp statuses from your Redmi Note 9 or 9 Pro you just have to use one of the functions of the Xiaomi browser.
- Open the Mi Browser and look for the WhatsApp icon
- You will have to select the icon to go to the WhatsApp Status Capture section
- Once there, follow the instructions to check if there are contents of the states to download
Keep in mind that WhatsApp statuses only last 24 hours, so if you want to download a special one, you will have to use that dynamic during that period of time.
Lock apps so they never close
Has it happened to you that you are listening to music on your mobile and accidentally close the app? It happens frequently when we go into multitasking mode. We go from one app to another and accidentally close those that we still need open.
So that this is not a problem there is a trick that you can use on your Redmi Note 9 and 9 Pro. The dynamics is very simple and you can apply it when you are working with many apps at the same time:
- Press the Recent button to see a preview of all open applications
- Choose the application you are going to block and select the padlock option
Once you've locked the app, you won't be able to close it until you unlock the lock. So if you accidentally give X to close all open apps, the locked app won't close.
Control your home devices with your mobile
Both the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 and the Note 9 Pro have an infrared sensor, giving users a plus. For example, it allows you to control some of the devices you have at home with a simple configuration.
And for this, you only need to use the Mi Remoto application, which is already installed as part of the Xiaomi tools. As you can see in the images, you will have to configure each of the devices individually by following a series of steps.
First choose the type of device and then select the brand. If it is compatible, with a few tests you will have everything working.
You will see that the app offers you some customization options so that you can organize all the devices in the way that is easiest for you. Following this dynamic , you can use your mobile to control the TV, air conditioning, camera, etc.
Listen to YouTube music in the background
Do you want to listen to YouTube music while you have other apps open? Or on the lock screen? There is a very simple trick that you can apply on your Redmi Note 9 to do this without complications. You just have to use the My Music app.
Once you open the app, follow these steps:
- Go to the View section and use the search engine to find the song you want
- Once you give Play to the video, exit the application without closing it
You will see a floating mini player that has the basic options to skip the song or stop playback. You can move it to any place on the screen while you scroll through any section of the mobile or consult other applications.
And this same dynamic is used to listen to YouTube music with the screen locked, although you will not have the small player available. The same is an interesting option if you want to listen to an interview as if it were a podcast, or a concert.
Use a QR code to share the WiFi password
Do you have that friend who drives you crazy asking you the WiFi password? Remembering the password is not easy if we have done the task, and we select a strong password, so it is tedious to have to pass it every time.
A quick trick to fix this is by using a QR code. Don't worry, you won't have to install anything. Just go to Settings >> WiFi and select “Tap to share password”. You will see that a window opens automatically with the QR code to share with your friend.
And of course, it is a good option to add more mobile devices to the network without going through manual configuration.
Hide the content of the apps in the multitasking window
If you have to show your mobile or are in a public place, and you don't want any prying eyes to see the content of the apps that you have open in the multitasking window, there is a little trick to give them a bit of anonymity.
You just have to go to Settings >> Home Screen and scroll to "Blur application previews". It will show you a list of all installed apps, so you just have to choose the ones you want to blur in the multitasking preview.
So if you go to multitasking to open some of the other apps, nobody will see the content of your hidden apps. A simple but practical trick, since it allows you to keep sensitive or private content hidden.
Create a hidden album for private photos and videos
Do you have photos and videos on your mobile that you want to keep away from the curious? There are several applications that allow you to create hidden sections on your mobile, but with your Redmi Note 9 or 9 Pro you will not need to install anything.
You can create a hidden album from the Gallery app with a few simple steps. If you already have all the photos you want to keep private in one album, then just do this:
- Open the Gallery app and select the album you want to hide
- Choose "Hidden Album" from the popup menu
You can also perform this process on any image. Just choose the image and select “Hidden album”.
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