Table of contents:
- Customize icons thanks to shortcuts
- Double tap to launch an action
- Activate mirror mode
- Headphone noise level
- Change the default browser or email
- Scan documents from the Notes app
- Text substitution
Widgets, new applications or the possibility of using Picture-in-Picture in iOS 14, are very interesting options. But surely you did not know that there are hidden functions that will completely change the way you use your iPhone. From customizing the icons to knowing if the volume level of the headphones is adequate. In this article I review the 7 hidden functions of iOS 14 that you have to try yes or yes.
Customize icons thanks to shortcuts
One of the features of iOS 14 that has caused the most controversy. The ability to customize home screen icons has divided iPhone users. On the one hand, there are the people who have personalized their iPhone or who are in favor of users being able to add a different design to the interface. On the other, those who see bad that the user is free to customize, since the design that is by default is much better than other options. In my opinion, I think everyone is free to do whatever they want with their iPhone, but it is true that the icon option has a negative point: the app takes longer to launch.
In any case, the possibility of customizing the icons through the Atajaos app is there, and any user can use it on their iPhone. You just have to launch a shortcut that is to open a specific app and select the name and icon. Then add it to the home screen. In the 'Home' that icon will appear and when pressing it will launch the shortcut to open the application. In this tutorial I explain step by step how you can customize the icons in iOS 14.
Double tap to launch an action
Another hidden feature of iOS 14 that is no longer so hidden. The double tap allows us to activate different quick actions. Among them, take a screenshot, launch a shortcut or lock the device. It is an accessibility feature, so to activate it you have to go to this option, which is within settings.
We just have to go into Settings> Accessibility> Touch> Touch back. We activate the option and select what we want to do by pressing two or three times. In my case I have it configured this way, since I think it is the most practical for my daily use.
- Press twice: access the control center.
- Triple tap: screenshot.
Keep in mind that the action is likely to be launched unintentionally. For example, when holding the terminal, changing it hands etc. That is why in the double press, which is the one that is most unintentionally launched, I would advise putting something that does not interfere much with the use. For example, to open the control center. In the triple press I have selected screenshot for this same reason. It is more difficult for me to accidentally triple tap the back, so every two by three a screenshot will not be saved.
Activate mirror mode
By default, when we take a photo or a selfie on the iPhone, it is reversed. That is, the system reverses it to simulate the view from the camera or how another person would be seeing you. In iOS 14 a setting has been added to activate the mirror mode. That is, when taking a photograph, do not reverse it. To do this, we just have to go to Settings> Camera> Mirror front camera. Activate this option and now the photo will not be inverted.
Headphone noise level
Do you want to know if the noise level when listening to music is adequate? You will love this hidden iOS 14 option. The Listening function, which is available from the control center, allows you to see in real time if the volume level in the headphones is adequate or too high. If the line is green, there is no problem. If it appears in yellow, orange or red it is advisable to lower the volume, as it could affect our hearing.
To activate this option you just have to go to Settings> Control Center> More controls. There we look for the 'Hearing' control and click on the '+' to add it to the control center. Now, when sliding from the top, the option will appear and we can see the noise level in real time.
Change the default browser or email
Another of the most interesting features of iOS 14, but that is somewhat hidden in the system settings. With this new version we can choose the default browser. Also the mail server. By default, Apple includes Safari and Mail as default apps for internet searches and email management. Personally, I find two very good applications, one of the best on the iPhone. However, it is likely that for work or any other reason you use Google Chrome or Gmail more.
To change the default browser or email, just go to Settings> Chrome (in the case of a browser) or Gmail (in the case of email)> App of the default browser. Here we select the app that we want to be by default.
Now, when you open a link or an email, it will automatically open in the browser we have chosen.
Scan documents from the Notes app
You don't need an application to scan documents. Much less a scanner. iOS has a very interesting hidden function if you work with the iPhone. It takes to scan documents from the Notes app in a simple way. It works very well, so much so that even documents are scanned better and faster than in a classic scanner.
To scan a document from the Notes app, we just have to hold down on the app and click on the shortcut that says 'Scan Document'. Next, the camera will open and it will ask us to place the document. Put it on a smooth surface and wait for the app to detect the document. Adjust the size and click on 'Keep'. Repeat this action if there are more pages to scan. Finally, click on 'Save'.
Now the scanned document will appear in a note and from there you can share it through any messaging application or email. Or bine, save it in the files app.
Text substitution
Do you want to type faster in iOS 14? The text replacement option is one of the most useful. It allows us to create a kind of shortcut to avoid always writing the entire word or phrase. It is very useful if, for example, you have to be replying to messages with the same phrase. In this way, you can go from writing "Thanks, I'm calling you right now" to "GLL" and it will automatically change to the first sentence. We can also use it to write words. For example, instead of 'Thank you very much', we put 'MG' and the system will automatically convert it into the first sentence.
To add text substitutions we have to go to Settings> General> Keyboard> Text substitution. Now, we press the plus button and select the complete phrase or word and then the abbreviation.