Table of contents:
- Who is 692103332
- How to block calls from 692 103 332 and other annoying numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
Dozens of people have recently reported on various platforms having received calls through 692 103 332. As it is a mobile phone number, the doubt about it arises from the very nature of the call. Is it a private individual? Do you belong to a company? Or maybe to some public body? We see it below.
Who is 692103332
"In the midst of portability I am receiving a lot of calls", "We have started a portability from Orange to Vodafone and they have called us throughout the afternoon", "Call and no answer"… These are some of the testimonies that we have been able to find on the Internet at 692 10 33 32. Who is really hiding behind these calls?
As some users have been able to confirm, it is Orange, and more specifically the department of cancellations and portability. Interestingly, most reports agree that calls are made when portability is carried out from Orange to another telephone company. In any case, from we have not been able to verify its authorship, so we distance ourselves from any accusation.
How to block calls from 692 103 332 and other annoying numbers
If we have a landline phone, the easiest way to block calls from a phone number is to use the device's own buttons to include the record in an exclusion list. In case our phone lacks this option, we can always resort to external blockers, which can be purchased at Amazon and third-party stores.
The way to proceed if we have a mobile phone is much simpler. From iOS and Android we can use the call log, from where we can block any number by keeping the record that we want to block. We can also use third-party applications, such as True Caller for Android or Mr. Number for iPhone.
The advantage of these tools is that they have a database with thousands of records: if the number matches any record, the call will be blocked immediately.
List of spam numbers identified by