Table of contents:
- Who is 653914357?
- How to block calls from 653 914 357 and other spam numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
Have you received a call from 653914357 in the last hours ? Several users have reported in different forums and social networks having received a call from the aforementioned number in recent days. Since it is a mobile phone number, the question lies in the nature of the call. Does it belong to a private person? Is it a company? Maybe some public body? We see it below.
Who is 653914357?
"Since yesterday they are calling and then they don't say anything", "I've been receiving calls from that phone all week", "It's from Jazztel, to conduct surveys"… These are some of the testimonies that we have been able to find on the Internet about the number 653 91 43 57. Who is really hiding behind these calls?
It is supposedly Jazztel, which in turn belongs to the Orange group. As confirmed by several users, the objective of the call is to offer different services in the form of rates and convergent plans. Other users claim that the objective is to conduct surveys for commercial purposes. In any case, from we have not been able to confirm its authorship, so we distance ourselves from any accusation to the company.
How to block calls from 653 914 357 and other spam numbers
If we have received the call on a mobile phone with Android or iOS, we can use the native options of the system to block any phone number. It is enough to access the call history and immediately press and hold the number that we want to block. An option will automatically appear that will allow us to veto calls from the selected number.
Another equally valid option to block calls is to use applications such as Mr. Number or True Caller. The added benefit of these applications is based on filtering by record. In this way, any phone number that has been previously reported and registered by other users will be automatically blocked.
The way to proceed if we have a landline phone is similar. Depending on the device, we can block calls through a dedicated button on the dial. Otherwise, we can always use external blockers. At Amazon, its price is around 20 euros.
List of spam numbers identified by