Table of contents:
- Who is 631226439
- How to block calls from 631 226 439 and other spam numbers
- List of spam numbers identified by
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Many users have recently reported on Twitter and certain Internet forums having received a call through 631226439. As it is a mobile phone number, the doubt about it stems from the type of call and its nature. Is it a public body? Do you belong to a company? Or to a private individual? We see it below.
Who is 631226439
"They call and hang up", "They call the minimum landline once a day without saying anything", "They call, I pick up and they say goodbye "… These are some of the comments that we have been able to find on the net around 631226439. But, Who is really hiding behind it?
As some users have confirmed, it is a possible scam attempt. Apparently, the person responsible for the call is posing as an Orange agent to offer a rate that the company does not currently contemplate in its catalog. Other users have claimed that the operator is posing as a Vodafone commercial agent. Due to the high number of reported cases, the company itself has been forced to uncheck itself from this number on its official Twitter account.
How to block calls from 631 226 439 and other spam numbers
The process for blocking a number varies depending on the type of device. If we have a landline phone, the most likely thing is that the device has some kind of button on the dial that allows us to block calls. We can also use external blockers. On Amazon, the price is around 25 euros.
If we want to block a number on the mobile phone, the easiest way is to resort to the native Android and iOS options, which we can access from the call history. Once inside, we will press and hold the number in question and click on the Block number option.
Another more recommended option is to use applications such as True Caller for Android or Mr. Number for iOS. The difference of these with respect to the native options of the system is that they have a database with numbers reported by other users. If the phone number matches any of the application's records, the call will be blocked automatically.
List of spam numbers identified by