Table of contents:
- Who is 615804018
- How to block calls from 615804018 and other spam numbers
- List of Spam numbers identified by
Have they called you from the number 615 804 018? Do they call several times a day and do not answer? You are not the only one, this phone number has become a headache for users.
Who is it about? Does it belong to an individual or is it part of a telemarketing network? We'll tell you then.
Who is 615804018
"They call many times a day", "They are insistent, they do not stop calling.." "They call and do not answer" are some of the complaints from users who report the number 615804018 in spam lists.
Most users have listed it as a telemarketer number, as they identify it as Jazztel. Some have reported trying to sell phone rates, others smartphone deals, etc. A dynamic that causes annoyance to users due to the insistence of the calls and the somewhat suspicious activity that occurs in some calls.
And of course, the annoyance that causes us to want to sell something at all times that we do not request or are interested in acquiring.
How to block calls from 615804018 and other spam numbers
There are several ways to block spam numbers and prevent them from becoming a headache. One of them is taking advantage of the mobile functions to block unwanted calls.
You just have to go to the call history in the Phone application, choose the number and select "Block" from the menu options. Or you can go to the app's Settings, and select "Block numbers" to add them manually or take them from the recent calls list. This may vary depending on the configuration of your mobile, but the dynamics is the same.
Another option is to use dedicated applications such as True Caller for Android. It has an extensive database, so it can identify whether it is a spam or telemarking call and avoid inconvenience to the user.
An interesting detail is that its list of numbers is built with input from users, so it is always updating with new spam numbers to protect the rest of the community.
List of Spam numbers identified by