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If you want to customize the appearance of your Pokemon, you are interested in knowing how to get holocupons in Pokemon Unite Next we will explain how to get them and redeem them. Also, in case you are not clear about what holocupons are, we will also solve it for you. And, just like Pokemon Go, Pokemon Unite allows you to customize your teammates.
To get free Holocupons in Pokemon Unite, you must earn Energy Awards These are points earned by playing battles. It is not necessary to win, it is simply enough to dispute them, for this reason we recommend you play Quick Games.This way you can play more games at the same time and consequently win more Energy Prizes.
As we play games, the bottle on the main menu will fill up, the one with a 100 next to it. If we have more than 10 points out of 100, we can click on the jar to spend 10 points on a random roulette wheel that can give us holocupons Of course, the Energiprizes machine, Roulette is unlocked at level 5, achievable in a couple of hours of play.
It is only possible to use the Energiprizes 30 times a day, in addition, every 24 hours the rewards are altered. Unfortunately, the probability of getting a holocupon is low, it's a rare prize On the other hand, some events also award holocupons, although it is not common.
What are holocupons
Even if you know how to get holocupons in Pokemon Unite, you may not be clear what holocupons are. They are tokens that you can exchange for Holo Outfits, skins that your Pokemon can wear, such as hats or suits.
Holocoupons allow us to buy outfits without spending real money They perform the same function as Aeos gems, the premium currency, with which we can buy outfits, but with holocupons too. Of course, the gems allow us to buy advantages and battle passes. Being an official game, not like the fun Pokemon Showdown, purchases are safe.
How to redeem holocupons
Finally, we'll address how to redeem holocupons. This way you can exchange your holocupons for the best outfits, but remember that they will be spent, so decide wisely which outfits you spend them on.
From the main menu, click on the shopping cart icon on the right of the screen. You will immediately be redirected to the store, where several options will appear on the left of the screen, but you must tap on the dwelling, Zargun S.A, which is where the skins are purchased.
When you enter Zargun S.A, you will see two options: Zargun S.A and Redeem Holocupons. Obviously we are interested in the second one, Redeem holocupons Several Pokemon will appear, with their respective outfits, which you can buy by redeeming holocupons, although only if you have said Pokemon . If not, the Redeem option will not appear.
You already know how to get holocupons in Pokemon Unite. If you haven't enjoyed this game yet, you can download Pokemon Unite for Android or iPhone and become the best Pokemon trainer.