Table of contents:
The prophets of sauce have come to Good Pizza, Great Pizza: the tests of the guardians. We tell you everything you need to know about this test to please the guardians and continue passing levels within the game.
Good Pizza, Great Pizza has become one of the most successful games for mobile devices. In it, players have to be capable of managing a pizzeria, both from the economic aspect and the cooking of the pizzas.
It is a game that can be downloaded for free from both the Play Store and the App Store, although it is true that you can buy improvements within it by paying by them..
Some of the most difficult chapters in the game are given by the guardians. This is how they are in Good Pizza, Great Pizza: Trials of the Guardians.
These prophets have predicted that a sublime pizza will arrive and they are here to test your talent and taste in your pizzeria. They will ask you for a series of pizzas that must be well done to get their approval.
Good Pizza, Great Pizza, the secret is in the doughGuardians appear within Chapter 2 on up to eight different days without counting a special last one. On each of those days days they will leave you enigmatic messages and you have to be the one who chooses the perfect combination of ingredients to find the pizza they ask for.
In Good Pizza, Great Pizza: the tests of the guardians begin on day 36 when some men dressed as monks appear who First they ask you for three pizzas: a normal one with cheese, another with classic meat and another vegetarian.
The most effective way to get the approval of the guardians on this 36th day is to put enough of the ingredients that they ask for on the pizzasand then cut each into six slices.
On day 37, a single prophet will appear in your pizzeria. He will ask you for a "reveal your destiny" pizza. Despite this enigmatic message, you just have to prepare a cheese pizza.
You will receive the next visit from a Guardian on day 43. In his demanding request he will ask for a sweet pizza. You have to add all the fruit you have, the dough has to be normal, nothing integral.One of the combinations that the guardian likes is salsa, pepper, olive and pineapple.
Seven days later, on the 50th day, a nice goat will appear that is also part of the guardians' test The little animal does not speak so that your request will appear directly to you with three ellipses. Cook a cheese pizza and deliver it to him, he will like it.
On the 57th day another salsa prophet will return. This time he will want a pizza for a cat to come out of so you have to fill it withtoppings that cats love. It's easy to put an empty half, just dough, and in the other half put sauce and little fish.
The prophet of the 64th day is somewhat picky about the order of ingredientsshe will ask you to have all the meats in the form of pieces squares are only in one half. The rest can be distributed however you want, that is if you put each different type of ingredient distributed one on top of the other.
Another prophet will arrive ten days later on the 71st. This one comes in a sound of peace and balance. So he will ask you to separate the ingredients that "are born from the earth from those that hang from it." Put the green pepper and basil on one side and the onion and mushroom on the other half. Don't put any pineapple, he hates it.
In the penultimate test of the guardians corresponding to day 78 of dyou will have to prepare a pizza with only dough before the last challenge arrives. Something so basic and simple that it doesn't seem real for this level.
In Good Pizza, Great Pizza: The trials of the guardians end with the presence of “Peppertiti”, who will leave you a request charged with mystery: “What is born from the decomposing earth and the radiant juice of the sun: that is all I require. The rest of death could not be savored without a sweet portion of life.Two halves in perfect balance and integrals”.
What Peppertiti really likes is a pizza that has sauce, cheese, half pineapple and half mushroom. So you'll have Completed and passed all the Guardians tests in Good Pizza, Great Pizza.
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All types of pizza from Good Pizza, Great Pizza
Why Good Pizza, Great Pizza is the best food game for Android