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If you already have all your applications and the background of your mobile with a dark tone, all that remains is to add Facebook to the party. And it is that those who test the virtues of darkening the screen seem to want to extend it to the entire experience of their mobile. Something that has more to do with the user experience than with the performance of the terminal. But it has spread to a large number of applications to please those who do not want to be dazzled by the screen of their mobile.The latest application to join the trend is Facebook.
Facebook claims to have already launched dark mode for Android and iPhone applications It may take time to reach your mobile, since this type of novelty lands in stages. But here we explain how to activate it in case you already have it.
So I have dark mode on Facebook now. ? darkmode facebook iOS14
- Craiggg (@YeezyCraig) June 26, 2020
Step by step
First of all, and of course, you should go to the Google Play Store if you have an Android phone or the App Store if you have an iPhone. And it is possible that you need to update the Facebook application to have the dark mode function on your terminal. Although many of the new features of Facebook are introduced from the servers, without the need to update the application, it is convenient to have everything up to date so that there are no errors and this feature can be counted on in the terminal.So the first thing, always, is to update.
Please note that the release of these types of features usually passes some filters or tests. That is why Facebook launches news in a staggered manner, being able to take a step back if something goes wrong. At the moment it has confirmed that the process is part of a test, so perhaps not even updating the application will offer you dark mode. Be patient, it will eventually arrive.
The key to find out if your Facebook application has dark mode is to enter it and go to your profile tab, the one with the three horizontal lines. Here go down to the section Settings and Privacy Expand it to find, among the list of options, the aforementioned dark mode. If it appears as one more option between your time on Facebook or privacy shortcuts, you will be one of the lucky ones who can already activate this mode.
Click on the option Dark modes to see how it completely changes the appearance of the application. And that only the background colors are changed. All other tabs, layouts, and buttons remain unchanged.
With this you will find a social network based on a black color and not white. The background of the wall will be completely dark, although you will hardly see it due to the posts. These will have a lighter tone that tends to gray. Thanks to this change of tone you will be able to distinguish the elements of the wall without problem. In addition, white lines, white text and other elements help to order absolutely everything to live the same experience as before, but changing the white for black. Of course, the menus and different sections of Facebook will have the same dark tone, between black and grey.Nothing has escaped them.
Facebook thus adds its main application to the dark mode trend. Something in which he has already trained with other applications such as Instagram, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger itself. The web version of Facebook has already had dark mode for some time, so if you're used to using it, you won't notice a big difference compared to the app version. The only problem will be waiting for this feature to land on all mobile phones in the next few weeks.