Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Tinder and many other companies gave up some of their services and adapted others. In the case of the dating application, it was possible to travel virtually around the world to meet people from other countries A function that is usually paid for, and that is now offers on a limited but free basis. However, many users have found themselves frustrated by running into people they will never meet in person.If you are one of those who prefer short distances, here we explain how to limit the radar of your Tinder again.
On Tinder, currently, you can globalize your profile to appear to users from another part of the planet. Scroll until you run out of options to find the button Go Global This function will make you visible globally and therefore also allow you to see other profiles in the same condition. It is here that profiles that are several hundred or even thousands of kilometers from your current location will appear. Something that we are going to avoid in this tutorial. By the way, it is interesting to know that you can filter profiles from other parts of the planet that do not speak English. Choose this option after clicking the Go Global button.
- But if you want to focus on the people of your area you will have to deglobalize. To do this, click in the upper left corner of the screen, on the icon of your profile.
- Then click on the menu Settings. That icon with a cog or gear that leads to your profile settings.
- Within the settings scroll down until you find the Global option. If you have previously clicked on the Globalize option without wanting to, it will be active by default. Turn it off to return Tinder to its original version, centered on your real and current location.
- Since you are in the Settings menu, it is worth reviewing the rest of the options that have to do with the distance at which profiles are collected. The maximum distance bar is adjusted to see profiles that are more or less far from our location. To ensure that the profiles you run into are not several tens of kilometers away, choose the desired maximum distance.
With this you will be sure that your profile scrolling will be limited to your locationOr at the maximum distance that you have marked in your profile. Without reappearing profiles from all over the world. That, although they present the possibility of socializing, you know that they will always maintain that great barrier of distance between you.