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The evolution of Instagram Stories has no brakes. It is no longer just its own format and channel to share thoughts, situations, memes and many other content, now it is also a source of games. And not those games that require our skills to ask questions, bingos and others with the resources of Instagram. There are also real games that take advantage of the technologies with which the user's face is recognized. The last one we have tried has delighted us.A filter that plants in your head the image of what you have to guess A fun challenge for parties that will delight your followers on Instagram.
A filter or a game? This is HeadQuiz
The beauty of this filter, which is still just that, is that it can be used as a classic game. The one in which, with a headband, you planted a card or an image with something you have to guess. To get the result you can ask questions with a yes or no answer to your friends. But you have limited time, of course. In this case, HeadQuiz, which is what the filter is called, allows you to do it while the story is being recorded. So you have all the elements: friends, challenge, cards and time.
The funny thing is that it's an Instagram Stories filter.You must play it from your mobile but with other people, always using the rear camera of your mobile to focus on a friend. It is then when the filter is activated, placing the card on which the riddle is based on that person's forehead.
If everything is ready, all you have to do is press and hold the Instagram Stories recording button. This will cause the filter to start displaying an image on the front poster. Can be anything. From a doormat to a dinosaur. The idea is that the player, the person you're focusing on, starts asking questions to find out what's on his mind. You and the rest of the participants can only answer with yes or no If the person guesses correctly, you can click on the screen to activate the victor animation. Confetti and a congratulatory message then appears on the screen to solve the minigame. Remember that you don't have all the time in the world, each story lasts only 15 seconds.
How to get the HeadQuiz filter
You have several ways to put HeadQuiz to use. One of them, the least efficient, is to search like crazy for the filter in the collection. Remember that you have a filter search function right on the far right of the filter collection in Instagram Stories. Look for the magnifying glass icon and then navigate through the different sections to find HeadQuiz. At the moment there is no name search engine, so the task can be arduous.
It is better that you go through the profile of its creator, @karetsatu (Noorman Fakhrizal), where you can see all the effects created. Being an active creator, he has a special profile, where there is a tab for photos and another for filters Click on the smiley to browse the collection of masks, effects and filters available. Among them is HeadQuiz, click on it to see how it works.
If you want to try it just once, click on the button Try, with which you will activate the camera of your mobile to start the experience . But once you publish the Story, or if you don't, this effect will disappear. If you want to keep it click on the icon in the lower right corner, which will save it directly to your effects carousel Right in the collection to the left of the effects button Shooting.
In this second way you just have to go to Instagram Stories and navigate to the left of the effects carousel to find HeadQuiz available No you need to follow follower account. It's a good way to give him credit for his work, though.