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Be careful with what you do on WhatsApp. But above all, be very careful with what you send to your contacts, because the joke could be very, very expensive. Let's start from a premise that the WhatsApp service, which by the way is owned by Facebook, is very clear about: WhatsApp is a messaging service that was created so that people share messages with their friends and family
Over time, this tool has expanded its functions. WhatsApp found that for some businesses and buyers (or customers), the service was also useful as a customer service platform.Hence, WhatsApp created WhatsApp Business, a tool especially aimed at companies or organizations. But nothing else.
Sending mass messages or spam has never been an end or a means in WhatsApp. For this reason, those responsible for this service are now considering the possibility of reporting those who forward spam to their contacts and who, therefore, are failing to comply or flagrantly violating the terms of service.
It's very clear: WhatsApp can report you if you send spam
In recent times, WhatsApp has wanted to strengthen its tool to make it more secure. In fact, all platforms are actively working to combat fake news, spam and cyber threats in general.
WhatsApp, if applicable, has developed artificial intelligence technologies to combat the massive sending of messages, as well as to neutralize all those behaviors that it detects as automatic, through computers that act as robots to send spam galore. They explain, in fact, from the frequently asked questions (FAQS) section that in recent times they have managed to prevent millions of accounts from operating freely to invade Internet networks spam.
In addition, they say that they will not hesitate to use everything in their power to combat this type of behavior. Even those that operate on a small scale, knowingly or unknowingly forwarding spam messages.
In this way, in addition to using technology, they will take legal action against individuals or companies where evidence of abuse has been detected.Most likely, these accounts will be blocked for violating the terms of service, but in addition, their managers also may have to face WhatsApp in court.
At trial as of December 7, 2019
Who Forewarned is forearmed. The popular saying already says it. And in this case, no one can accuse WhatsApp of not having given notice to both companies and individuals that repeatedly violate the terms of service, even if it is out of sheer ignorance. How many of your contacts regularly spam you without even knowing what they are forwarding?
WhatsApp explains that it will take legal action from December 7, 2019 They will do so against all those on whom they have collected evidence of misusing the service, even through information coming from outside the platform.
In addition, those responsible for the service have explained that they will continue to ensure compliance with the Terms of Service through different technologies, such as other companies are doing, such as Facebook or Instagram, with the aim of combating more quickly and effectively those who cause harm through their fraudulent publications and content.