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The people, through the unas, have spoken. The local, regional and European elections of 26M have concluded, and the data is already collected. The political panorama is once again divided among a majority vote of the left, but with the possibility of a right-wing government thanks to agreements and alliances. But how is your city? And your town? Do you know how many votes from PP, PSOE, VOX, Ciudadanos, Unidas Podemos and other parties have each received? Well, you can check it from your mobile with the 26M Elections 2019 application.
It is the official mobile application launched by the Ministry of the Interior to review all the detailed data of the 26M elections. It can be downloaded completely free of charge for both Android and for iPhone You just have to go through the Google Play Store or the App Store to get hold of it. It does not require creating profiles or registering anywhere. It can also boast design and animations, although the amount of data it presents is overwhelming. And it is that we can review the participation, the final data, the local counts and the European panorama, in addition to other statistics on the constitution of the tables.
Local and regional results
Just access the application to see a large section labeled as Locales Here we find two large sections to know all the data of the elections of our town or city.We just have to click on Participation Progress to find out the voting data in each region. On various maps, information is displayed based on the update of the count. Thanks to a color code we can know in which communities it increases and in which it decreases. Of course, if we look for the specific data we only have to click on the part of the map that interests us. We will also know the comparison with respect to the last local elections.
But if what we want to know is the result and count of local votes we will have to click on the section Provisional Results Here is the last updated data collected by the ministry, indicating the time of update and the percentage of scrutiny. The information on abstention, blank and invalid votes is also shown in comparison to the previous elections.In this way we will have all the province and community data in view, always accompanied by a color chart of the map of Spain to be able to identify the majority vote.
And, if we want to go to any province, we just have to click on the map. Of course, to see the results in municipalities we must go down to a province and then look under the participation table for the option See municipalities Here we can see the list of municipalities of the province and review all the data in detail.
European results
But if what we want to know is the number of MEPs that we will send to the European Parliament from each formation, we will have to look for this section in the main menu of the application 26M Elections 2019 In the European section we can also find a space dedicated to participation. Again, the data is shown on the graphic of the map of Spain with the information updated to the date indicated.All of it marked with two shades of gray to know where the most and where the least votes have been voted with respect to the last European elections.
But the interesting section is that of the Provisional results (and final results with practically 100% of the vote counted). Here we can see the data with an arc that divides the seats according to the parties, but we can also know the specific number of votes further down on the same screen.