Google Photos and Google Drive could break relations in July
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If you regularly use Google Photos together with Google Drive, this news is of interest to you. And it is that in the last hours it has been known that both services could break relations as of next July.
Most users who have used one service or another, or both at the same time, know that the rapport between both tools, which are also part of the Google ecosystem, has been practically complete. In fact, images uploaded within Google Drive can be viewed at the same time in the photos sectionHowever, last year, Google made it a bit more difficult to access this content, which is still part of the content uploaded and/or synced by the user from their devices to the cloud.
Now this linking could be terminated, because Google is studying the possibility of ending direct synchronization to Drive folders. We tell you what will happen.
Google Photos and Google Drive, the end of synchronization
Did you know that until now, Google Photos offered users unlimited storage to save their images? Those who have synchronization with the service activated have the option to upload the photos directly to the cloud, but with one limitation: image compression. In fact, the only ones who can synchronize without losing the quality of the images are the owners of Pixel phones, which are Google's own.
These same images are available from Google Drive, which is another service that is part of the broader Google ecosystem. In this way, both through the application and from the computer, users can manage those same images And this is precisely what Google could limit from July, so that the photos stored in Google Photos would not go to that very useful folder that we had until now in Google Drive.
Google Drive folder will stop syncing
The first thing to note is that the information that the Google Drive folder connected to Google Photos will stop syncing is not coming directly from Google. We are not, therefore, before an official confirmation. 9to5Google has been the one that has observed this novelty in what is known as the APK (which contains a kind of code) of version 2.19,192 from Google Drive.
The information comes from an application code, which reveals a warning message provided by Google, which tells users exactly what we told you. That is, that Google Drive and Google Photos will stop synchronizing photos together And that this will happen right from July of this year.
Luckily, in the same message a warning is launched, which surely answers a question that you have asked yourself as a user: will the images that I have uploaded up to now and that I will continue uploading from now on continue to be stored? July? The answer is yes, but only in Google Photos. That is, the photos will continue to sync in Google Photos, but they will not go to the Google Drive folder that until now served as a bridge.
The photos synchronized so far will be saved and the folder will not disappear in any case, but from July no update will take place in that folder At the moment, Google has not offered any date, so we do not know if the end of the synchronization will be the same July 1 or if it will occur a little later. Be that as it may, you are forewarned.