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Clash Royale has released new cards this month, such as the earthquake. As it happens when new cards are released, it is not very clear which decks to use or how to get the most out of it. We want to help you out a bit and show you the Best Clash Royale Earthquake Decks. Before going with it, we want to explain how it works and give you some information about its statistics. We had been waiting for a new spell card in the game for some time, as new troops have not stopped appearing lately.
How is the Earthquake?
Earthquake is a card that deals damage per second to ground troops and crown towers The card also deals damage to structures ( multiplies it by 4) but does not affect air units. In order to access it we must be in Arena 9 (Jungle Arena) although it is very easy for it to touch us because it is of a common type. The letter is designed to destroy all those structures that block the way to the towers of crowns. It is a very powerful card to combat decks that use huts, cabins and all these types of obnoxious strategies. This spell-type card has these stats:
- 183 damage
- 183 tower damage
- 732 damage to buildings
- 3, 5 Radio
- 3 seconds long
In the tournament it also has its own rules such as a slowdown of -35%, damage per second of 61 and damage to structures of 244 points.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Earthquake
The advantage is more than evident in this card. With a single spell we can eliminate and slow down all kinds of ground enemies. Despite this, as we mentioned, the card has insane damage against structures that are its strong point. It can also be used to weaken crown towers or finish them off.
In the bad part of the table the earthquake offers very low damage against units It is true that it slows them down but when the spell time ends the enemy's cards keep attacking us and we will need other cards to counter the attack. To get a good performance there are 4 decks that are giving excellent results.
The best decks for Clash Royale Earthquake
We know there are still a lot of tests to do with this card as well as see how the meta evolves but there are currently some decks they are working fine. The key here is what to accompany the Earthquake with and some cards like the Giant, Hog Rider, Golem, Royal Hogs or even the Ram Rider can give a good result with the Earthquake. Watching Surgical Goblin play we have extracted some other ideas.
The Earthquake is great for the most aggressive Clash Royale openings. Constantly attacking the opponent can be a good strategy with the earthquake, which is great for stopping the mortars or crossbows that the opponent is anchoring in their field.
In this triple spell deck the earthquake works as a life saver as you can see in the Surgical Goblin video. The deck includes the cards Snowball, Mega Minion, Earthquake, Golem, Poison, Hell Dragon, Prince, and Guards.
Another more classic deck can be with the giant, as a defense option. This deck will work much better at double elixir time to cast that giant, an earthquake to protect him, and then a prince to finish off the battle. The cards are Ice Spirit, Shock, Mega Minion, Earthquake, Musketeer, Giant, Barbarian Barrel, and Prince.
If you have the electric dragon you can try this different cycle. Bet on the Ram Rider as decisive and equip a single spell.It's a deck with more play but there are a lot of cards you might not have. Includes Bats, Barbarians, Earthquake, Barbarian Barrel, Bandit, Electric Dragon, Ram Rider, and Magic Archer.
This latest deck offers hog cycling that's perfect for challenges. The only defensive support here is the inferno tower. It's a fast deck to play and packs a punch on the battlefield.
Complete deck includes Earthquake, Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Ice Ball, Archers, Ice Golem, Hog Rider, and Inferno Tower.
These are the best earthquake decks of today. We hope the meta doesn't misbehave with this card and we can continue to use it with decks as dynamic as these.