WhatsApp will have the option to ignore archived chats
Last October, talk began about a new feature for WhatsApp called “Vacation Mode”. Half a year later without hearing from her, she returns to the scene, although with another name: ignore archived chats. This mode is hidden in the latest beta of the app for Android, which means it could arrive with the next update shortly. Basically, by activating this new feature, archived chats will remain archived even if the other person sends new messages.
Until now, if we click on archive in any conversation that we have open within our chats, it is automatically hidden from the list. The problem is that when they join again, either because we want to continue talking with that contact or because they speak to us, the conversation continues showing everything that was previously spoken. It is I mean, we can't start that conversation from scratch. The archive chat feature does not delete conversations from the phone's memory.
The new beta for Android poses precisely another scenario. The new function "ignore archived chats" can be activated within the notification settings of the application. Logically, it can be done in general and not for individual contacts. To all this we must also add another feature seen in the WhatsApp beta, which is already available for everyone (the other for now only for some users who have tried it).These are changes to the location of archived chats, which are now displayed in the menu.
Previously you had to scroll to the bottom of the chat list to access archived chats. In this beta it is only possible from this new menu. Undoubtedly, has gained agility and speed,especially for those who have many open conversations. At the moment, both functions have only been seen in the latest beta of WhatsApp for Android. We do not know if they will be implemented in the next update of the app, or we will have to wait some time to see it in future updates.