Google Play Games: Dark Theme
Those who are passionate about mobile gaming and the dark theme are in luck. And it seems that Google is bowing to the requests of the community of users who bet, more and more, to enjoy dark themes for their mobiles Something that is not It is only aesthetic or practical to enjoy environments that do not bother the eyes when looking at the screen in the dark, but also saves energy resources. Perhaps that is why Google has brought it to its gaming application.But it is not the only thing that we can see in the latest update of Google Play Games.
When you update Google Play Games to version 5.14 you will find a new option in the menu Settings Enter here and look for the option to apply the dark mode. With this, the application menus will go from clear, simple and minimalist white to a dark tone close to black. It is elegant but, above all, it is efficient and comfortable. The contents continue to stand out from the background, and the user experience does not change. Or yes, perhaps forcing those who look at the screen in the dark to strain their eyes less, for example. But there is more news.
Besides the black theme it is also possible to find shortcuts from the application button. In other words, when you long press on the Google Play Games icon, a list of quick actions is displayed.Something that avoids pressing more to, for example, start specific games. And no, it is not entirely redundant since it also allows access to games only accessible from this tool.
Apart from this there are also some new details that make the user experience more comfortable and attractive. For example, the built-in games now have their own animations when you move around their carousel. An attractive and very pleasant visual detail. You can also now reorder the achievements you've achieved Specifically, it's possible to sort yourselves by rarity, something that will let you know if you're one of those who has managed to unlock infrequent actions in your games .
Last but certainly not least, direct references to Minesweeper have been uncovered. They have done it from Android Police, where they have dissected this new update to see the news, but also the changes that are to come.Thus they have come across a line of code that speaks directly of the "minesweeper" or Busminas in Spanish. An icon in reference has also been discovered, so there is no doubt that Google is recovering the classic for anyone to play on their Android mobile. Although for now we will have to wait, since all this information is hidden in the Google Play Store code, still in the process of being created.