The United States has WhatsApp with its protection against government spy systems. Russia has Telegram, although it has blocked it because it cannot access its content. What does Europe have? Nothing at the moment, but France is already testing its own encrypted messaging application to offer secure conversations, but in which you can peek. And, above all, where the US or Russian governments cannot spy on.
Apparently, according to Reuters, France is already testing this app with 20 civil servants, and the entire French government is expected to switch to it during the summer.A messaging application that is encrypted and protected in France, unlike the other services used in the rest of the world. Something that seems to worry the French executive, although WhatsApp's user-to-user protection has been developed outside the United States. In addition, the French government spokeswoman affirms that the application, which is based on free code, could finally reach the public
“We need to find an encrypted messaging service that is not encrypted by the United States or Russia,” the spokeswoman said. «When you start to think about the possible security breaches that we could have, as is the case with Facebook, it is time to take the initiative».
Now, we must not lose sight of the fact that the encryption of WhatsApp and Telegram has kept the most curious away.In fact, in Russia they have vetoed the use of Telegram for not giving the government the encryption codes to be able to read the messages that the users of this application cross. A requirement that the anti-terrorism laws of the Russian country require similar services. WhatsApp has also had similar problems in the United States or even Brazil, where the conversations and data of its users have been required in different police investigations. However, Facebook has not been able to collaborate since the encryption of this application makes it impossible to know what its users send
In this situation, then, we are asked if, beyond protecting itself from security breaches of foreign services, France would not be more interested in having a messaging application in which to know if there is talk of terrorism or any other national security issue For now we will have to wait to see how this situation is resolved and if, finally, the French government will open this application to all its citizens.