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In 2016, in Spain alone, more than 7 million tons of food were thrown away This means that between 30 % and 50% of the edible products that enter our house are thrown away at one time or another. It seems, with these data on the table, that we buy on impulse. That, instead of sticking exclusively to our needs, we arrive at the supermarket like an elephant in a china shop. And we move on a whim, without taking into account if later that delicious thing that we just bought is not going to end up in a landfill.
It is, without a doubt, a problem that must be de alt with. Root. And for that, all help is valid. From raising awareness in schools to, why not, mobile applications. Thanks to elPeriódico we learned that some have already taken action. And, on paper, it looks like a very good opportunity for us to take sides. This is the WeSAVEeat app. And its name is quite a declaration of intent: We save on eating would be the closest translation. And in those is Eva Jorge.
Eva Jorge, a 45-year-old Catalan woman who takes not throwing away food very seriously. It all started with a class project for her son. Investigating, they realized that in Catalonia, more than 35 tons of food are thrown away per household per year. How could they alleviate this problem, even on a small scale? Creating an application that could allow you to buy food whose destination would be the garbage.
WeSAVEeat, buy what others don't want
In Northern Europe there are already applications of this style. Apps in which you can go to establishments where food is prepared and, for a lower price, buy those that would otherwise end up in the trash. Thus, two birds with one stone are killed. On the one hand, families save money; and, on the other, obscene waste is avoided, in a world in which one in 8 people go hungry The application can now be downloaded directly from the store Play Store apps and, of course, it's free.
At the moment, the application only works in Barcelona, although they will soon open another 'branch' in the Spanish capital. WeSAVEeat works like this:
Once we have installed the application and open it, we see a list of food establishments.We simply have to scroll down to see, one by one, everything they offer. The 'lots' of food are not identified: it is not known what you take home. And you must pick it up at a time when the establishment is about to close. But not too late, around 20:30 or 21:00. This means consumers savings of up to 70% Food valued at 10 euros that can be yours for the modest price of 3. We all win: the customer save, the store doesn't throw away and the food ends up in the stomach of whoever takes it away.
The creator of the application affirms that there are still many establishments that refuse to adhere to the proposal. According to them, it would be 'degrading their product'. She positively affirms that her attitude will eventually change. We, for the moment, especially the residents of Barcelona, can contribute their grain of sand using this service.There's nothing like saving money and, along the way, helping the environment and the problem of famine.
We hope that this beautiful initiative will expand throughout the national territory and those 35 million tons will be much less. Anything we can do on this path is welcome. So, if you live in Barcelona, you can now download and try WeSAVEeat.