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From Supercell, creators of Clash Royale, they are preparing great news for the card and strategy game. And it is that, despite recently adding 2v2 combat for everyone to enjoy, the title needs a new push to keep its players. And how is he going to do it?, you ask yourself. Well, very easy: with a macro update full of new features Among them a new game mode called Missions.
This is a new content that serves as an excuse to play Clash Royale daily or weekly in order to get juicy prizes.Items such as Legendary chests or Super Magical chests That is, rewards that we do not want to pass up. But what do these missions consist of? Keep on reading to know everything.
The arrival of the missions will change some concepts in Clash Royale. And it is that we will have to say goodbye to free chests. More or less. In return we receive a section in which we are given different challenges to overcome to receive prizes Among them are different free chests that you don't even have to wait to open. So change isn't all bad.
These are simple and achievable challenges. Of course, some of them will be completed in the same day, while others will take up to a week of play. For example, there are challenges that ask us to play up to 60 games to be completed.Others, on the other hand, are more demanding, such as getting 500 cards. The good thing is that all these challenges are active simultaneously, and we can complete part of one and the other just by playing games regularly.
All of these quests usually offer different rewards. From letters to gold coins. But what is interesting are the mission points. With them, in the end, they manage to unlock the different free chests that appear at the top. Here are the real rewards.
Free Chests
The most interesting rewards from the Missions are the free chests These are displayed at the top of the screen, and have a concrete number of points for its opening. In this way, by doing missions, you can access them to open them and enjoy letters of all kinds.
And, once the requirements are met and the gold chest is opened, a giant chest appears in its place.And so on until you run into Super Magical and Legendary chests. Of course, these chests have more sophisticated requirements. The good thing is that, once fulfilled, you don't have to wait any time to open them. Your prizes are revealed instantly with no waiting times and no gems paid for it.
Cancel Missions
As we say, the key lies in completing challenges or missions. Some are as simple as waiting a certain amount of time and opening chests for free. Others require many more games and effort. But what happens if we come across a mission that does not satisfy us? Easy, we skip it so we don't have to deal with it
Just click on the cross of each mission to cancel it. This will mean going from meeting that challenge and giving space for a different mission to appear. Of course, after a certain waiting time With which, the challenges or missions are updated to gradually meet the objectives and reach the free chests.
All in all, a good tactic to ensure that players participate in Clash Royale if they want to access the chests. And they receive rewards if they really play the title A real push for the most gamers. At the moment we can only wait until Supercell launches the update with this and the Touchdown mode included. No confirmed official date yet.