How to turn off the sound of Instagram videos
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From a new update on Instagram, the most widely used photography social network in the world, the videos we see on our wall will play automatically, but without sound. To activate the sound, we must click on the video on the screen. From then on, with that simple touch of the finger, the rest of the videos that you see in the application will be played with the sound activated while you are browsing your wall. And vice versa: if we touch on a video again while it is playing, they will all go back to mute.If you leave your session on Instagram with the sound of the videos turned off, they will remain that way when you return to the application again.
The sound in Instagram Stories videos
What about Instagram Stories? How will the audio behave after these new changes? Very simple: their volume will match the one you have in the videos on your wall. If audio is turned on, Stories will play with sound. And if, on the contrary, you had previously silenced them, the Stories will play completely silently. This new update is a great improvement compared to the previous interface in which we had to press video to video to activate the sound of it. Now, simply by clicking on one of them, all the ones that follow (and those that appeared previously published) will have audio.
This of course includes videos that include . Once you activate the sound of a video of one of your friends, the rest will play, be it a contact or a company announcing their product. This means that Instagram will most certainly receive many more embed proposals. After all, no company wants their video to be muted. What do you think of this new Instagram strategy? Do you prefer to unmute one video at a time, or do you find this new way more convenient?