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Old-school users (read: non-millennials) are still using the old computer system to download and store their favorite contentWhether it's music, photos, series or movies. And it is that, although streaming has reached all platforms in the form of applications, there are still those who prefer the old methods.
We dedicate this article to them, in which we tell you step by step how to create a streaming directly from your PC to your tablet or mobile A system that is especially useful to avoid having to transfer the contents beyond the PC. No cables or time are needed to send the contents. Just a good WiFi network to which to connect all the devices from which you want to have access to this content. But the best part is that this system is completely free.
Turn your PC into a server
The first thing to do is create a media content server. In other words, transform the computer to turn it into a recipient connected to the WiFi network from which other devices can drink In this way, it would act as a connected local hard drive. Thus, everything that is saved in it is available through the link that we explain in the following section.
To transform your PC into a multimedia server, all you need is a free program called Plex.It is part of a larger system capable of serving as a link between a computer and portable devices. However, this added connection service does require the payment of a fee. To avoid this, we will only use your virtues as a server.
We access the Plex download page and get the Plex Media Server program. It can be downloaded for Windows PCs or for Mac. There is even a version for Linux devices. We choose the version and download.
Installation is easy and fully guided. Just click on the Install button, accept the permissions and wait a few minutes while the process is completed. At the end of it, a web browser tab automatically opens to log in to the Plex system. If we do not have a user account, we will have to register in the system.
The next step is to configure this server. To do this, it is possible to establish a recognizable name Then you will have to order the contents. Plex is in charge of detecting them, but each user can choose the categories to keep everything in order. You only have to add Movies or any other matter that you want to enjoy from your mobile or tablet, even if it is hosted on your computer.
When everything is organized, it is possible to see the collection of contents in a clear and orderly way. Almost as if it were a Netflix, but with the videosvideos, photos, movies and songs from the computer It is time to create the link with the mobile and the Tablet.
Stream from your mobile or tablet
Now all that remains is to create the link from the mobile device.The application BubbleUPnP is responsible for this. It is free and available for the Android platform. Its greatest virtue is its simplicity, which allows the mobile to be connected to the server created practically without any type of configuration. All you have to do is download and install it. And, of course, keep all devices (computer and mobile or tablet) connected to the same Internet network. By the way, it is necessary that the computer stay on during streaming, otherwise the link would be cut off.
In the application, simply display the lateral menu and look for the Local and Cloud section . Here we will find the reference to the computer. Either by the name given to the server, or by the reference to the name Plex Server Media.
Within this section are the menus and sections created in Plex. And what is most important: the contents. So all you have to do is move through the folder you want and choose the video, song or photo you want to play on your mobile or tablet.
Of course, you may need an extra application as a content player. In our tests, the standard application of the terminal has been used to open and display MP4 files. However, it is recommended to use VLC, capable of playing any video or sound codec without breaking a sweat. It is a free app on Google Play Store.
![How to stream from computer to mobile or tablet How to stream from computer to mobile or tablet](