Blocks! hexagon puzzle
Renewed or die. Neither the puzzles, nor the Tetris, nor the board games are what they used to be. And so it must be. Proof of this is the game Blocks! Hexagonal Puzzle, a title that renews the concept of the puzzle, mixing it with a bit of Tetris and Candy Crush Entertainment accessible to anyone user and that engages thanks to the simplicity of its approach. Geometry, spatial calculation and no type of stress are its main keys
In blocks! Hexagonal Puzzle we find a challenge of logic and geometry for not too demanding users. Now, completing its levels is not paid for. The difficulty is progressive and, although the first levels are little more than a really simple tutorial, the more complicated levels can take several minutes of mental effort. Of course, those who really want to spend hours racking their brains will not find a challenging challenge in this title.
It consists of completing puzzles The key is that each puzzle is made up of phexagonal pieces in different dispositions Thus, the player only has to choose the set of pieces and place it with his finger correctly on the moldIf everything fits and there are no gaps left to fill, the level is passed. Otherwise, it's time to continue doing tests and looking for the space on each tab.
In this game we find a good list of levels to play From beginner to particularly complex challenges where there are too many pieces or in which complete puzzles with many smaller pieces. Challenges that offer hours of fun if we take into account that there are 14 levels of difficulty and 80 screens in each of them Of course, not everything is accessible. With each stage passed you get a star, these being necessary to reach new milestones
Of course, if the player gets stuck in any of the levels, the game has its own system of hints One click on the bulb reveals the possible location of any of the pieces.Of course, keep in mind that there are different ways to complete the more complex levels But it is a great help for moments of confusion. Hints are limited and can be earned with achievements, and by playing more levels
So things don't always turn out the same, or so that players come back at least once a day to Blocks! Hexagonal Puzzle, the title has a couple of alternative game modes. On the one hand, there is the daily mode, with various challenges depending on the level of the player to get clues. On the other hand, there is the Rotate or Rotation mode, in which the pieces are not only They must be placed in the puzzle space as they are presented, otherwise they can be rotated. Something that adds complexity and fun.
In short, a simple but entertaining game, although it does not present too much difficulty for those who are looking for a challenge. Playable free from cover to cover, though it comes with its selection of paid levelsIt also has integrated purchases to get clues and to get rid of the abusive . The game Blocks! Hexagonal Puzzle is available for both Android and iOS